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Frage: Englschübersetzung nötig ; )
(2 Antworten)

Kann jemand für mich bitte diesen Text kontrollieren?..Ich weiß mein Englisch ist schrecklich,aber ich hoffe das schreckt euch nicht ab..

The N.O.I.
was founded 1930 of Wallace Fard Muhammad aka Walli Farad aka professor Ford aka Farrad Mohammed aka F. Mohammed Ali as an Afro-American Muslim organisation. According to the teaching of the "nation of Islam" the blacks are the chosen people of the planet. It a religious political organisation is black U.S. American outside the Islamic orthodoxy. The name indicates the separatist foundation aims the facilities of separated to, among other things Afro-American
The nation of Islam is described as racialist by critics . As a national spokesman of the nation of Islam Malcolm did not get tired of X to denounce the racism of the white society. He showed the connections between U.S. history and the enslavement of the Africans again and again. The white ones are therefore already "devils" because they acted as such any time. You lynched blacks and preached the black opposite "non-violence". It was the time of the beginning of the civil rights movement under Martin Luther King and Malcolm X was her most radical critic and spokesmen at the same time. King`s non-violent integration strategy was strong from rurally marked southern states and within the small black middle shifts particularly under the blacks who wanted to attain an end of "racial segregation" and a fair share in the "American Dream" in the majority. The north of the USA was often still something like the "Promised Land" for her. You cherished the hope to be accepted finally of the white. He knew the Großstadtslums in the north, quite differently Malcolm X. was in them as " Detroit talk " got great. Malcolm spoke for the Afro-American slum residents of the north who put no more hope into white "liberal" ones because they had learned from the plantations to the ghettos on her way that the it does not white-wash any room on the part of. The blacks shall remain non-violent, not defend themselves while the Ku-Klux ¬¬ clan is massacring her children? Malcolm X regarded such requests as a crime; for a collective one crime the white (and her black "uncles Toms") at his people. Re-elected the language of the force, so must start "to speak her language" the blacks to be understood the white. To wake her self-confidence, the Afro Africans should acquire her story newly which is own and distorted of the white. The white historiography would have the afro-americans to be the image angedichtet obsequious, stupid harmless and ignorant, and she "psychologically castrates" through this. However, the blacks would always have offered resistance, e.g. by armed rebellions against the slavery. Merely a wild jungle is the white lie, Africa and the blacks have been civilized only by her, would have had a similar effect. This ideological nonsense must swept away and the "negros" (as they described themselves at that time also under each other) must start to see themselves as an African and as an American as an afro-american at the same time. On the white "race" the demand for a state of one`s own arose this view also for the afro-americans in the U.S. national territory . - described as racialist by (white) critics occasionally. This idea is based on the basic assumptions that the U.S. black direct descendants of the mentioned tribe of Shabazz would be or the real "nationality Asiatic Black" is. The state of one`s own is not justified merely from this idea of nationality or descent but also from the more available assumption that a U.S. black would never receive the same privileges like a U.S. American white one. There is the historical fact that the U.S. blacks were taken to the USA principally not voluntarily but as slaves . For this reason of the missing "real" identity, the missing knowledge over the real past and as the most obvious sign the lack of the surname of one`s own became establishedly the "X" as a substitute "for the slave name (the surname which Africans of her slave-holders took)".
GAST stellte diese Frage am 19.01.2009 - 16:47

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Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.01.2009 - 16:51
Boah der Text is aber lang...
The N.O.I.
was founded 1930->The N.O.I. was founded in 1930
of Wallace Fard Muhammad aka Walli Farad aka professor Ford aka Farrad Mohammed aka F. Mohammed Ali as an -> from Wallace.....
und Was um Himmels Willen is das denn?

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2009 - 20:12
Den Text brauche ich für mein Referat und den gebe ich nachher auch noch ab,deshalb bin ich auch total verzweifelt......Meine Lehrerin ist total streng und sie zählt jede Kleinigkeit...

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