englisch- kontrolle wegen grammatik :S
Frage: englisch- kontrolle wegen grammatik :S(4 Antworten)
hey, ich habe hier einen text geschrieben und muss den morgen abgeben... könnte den jemand kurz nach fehlern nach gucken? wäre super :) (inhaltlich ist egal...nur die grammatik..puuh..) First of all I think that the girl is a typical American tourist. (Yet (allerdings) I do not know what is a typical American tourist?!) I can imagine that in the USA is Europe as a “fine” destination. Many students travel with a rucksack through Europe and they will learn the cultural before or during their studies. Many Americans think that Europe is only one land. Europe stand for sophisticated, high culture, noblesse and intellectualism. (Young American tourists are usually open-minded and looking for spiritual enrichment.) It seems to me that the girl will go through the lands culture. Of course she will have fun in her travel. So I think, that the girl’s trip was relative typical for a young girl. |
Frage von Sommersprosse91 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.01.2009 - 19:43 |
Antwort von Brevelan (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.01.2009 - 19:57 |
so....^^ First of all I think that the girl is a typical American tourist. (Yet (allerdings) I don´t know what a typical American tourist is?!) I can imagine that USA sees Europe as a "fine" destination. Many students are traveling with a bag through Europe and they´re learing the cultur before or during their studies. Many Americans are thinking that Europe is only one land. Europe stand for sophisticated, (Young American tourists are usually open-minded and looking for spiritual enrichment.) It seems to me that the girl is going to go through the lands culture. Of course she will have fun on her journey. To put it all into a nutshell, i think that this journey is very typical for young girls. Okay... was der inhalt jetzt sagen soll weiß ich nicht , aber ich hoffe ich konnte dir i-wie weiterhelfen xD |
Antwort von Geissbock | 07.01.2009 - 19:58 |
First of all I think the girl is a typical American tourist. (But I don`t really know what a typical American tourist is ...) I can imagine that in the US Europe is known as a "fine" destination. Many students travel with a rucksack through Europe and will get to know the culture before or during their studies. Many Americans think that Europe is only one country. Europe stands for a sophisticated, high culture, noblesse and intellectualism. (Young American tourists are usually open-minded, looking for spiritual enrichment.) To my mind it seems as if the girl will go through the country`s culture. Of course she will have fun in her travel. So, I think that the girl`s trip was relatively typical for a young girl. --- ohne Gewähr --- :) |
Antwort von Sommersprosse91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.01.2009 - 20:11 |
danke schön :) hat mich gefreut ;) |
Antwort von RichardLancelot | 07.01.2009 - 20:21 |
Nur um auch nochwas zur Rechtschreibung gesagt zu haben: american ist ein Adjektiv und wird im Englischen wie auch im Deutschen klein geschrieben. Rucksack kennen nur die Briten, bei den Amerikanern ist das ein backpack. Americans sind im Satz der englischen Rechtschreibung unterworfen und werden darum klein geschrieben. Zitat:Diesen Satz würde ich mit: "Sicher wird sie spaß in ihrer Reise haben", übersetzen, was völlig unzulänglich klingt. Besser wäre eventuell: "Surely she will have fun on her journey". MfG |
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