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phil colins-another day in paradise

Frage: phil colins-another day in paradise
(1 Antwort)


ich muss in englisch ein referat über einen song machen..ich habe mich für another day in paradise von phil colins entschieden...ich habe schon mehrere sachen interpretiert..doch da ich 10min reden muss,ist das noch zu wenig...bis jetzt habe ich:
-strophe 1&3(jeweils 1.zeile): repetition -> woman ties again,although she didn`t get help,doesn`t give up, believe in a better future
-1.strophe "..I`m nowhere to sleep" shows poverty,homelessness
-2.strophe: man doesn`t want to see social problems,avoid conflicts
-refrain: if he would help her,she would be happy(paradise), one day without thinking about death by cold,the problems,the poverty,he could give her self-convidence,that she mustn`t give up,could give her the feeling that she is not nobody like many people think about homeless people, give her a spark of hope
-3.strophe: "she`s got blisters on the soels of her feet she can`t walk but she`s tryin`" ->she doesnt know where to got,no help,no welfare
blisters on the soels of her feet: on the one hand: no shoes=poverty;with shoes the blisters would be "am hacken"
on the other hand:blisters=problems at the bottom of society (sole=bottom of feet) with blisters she feels bad as with her problems in life
"cant walk but shes tryin"->american dream->never give up->rise from rags to riches
-bridge: "oh lord...oh oh lord"-> faith in god is still there but the praying for a better life is connected with "doubts"(oh oh)
-strophe 4: "you can tell from the lines on her face,you can see that shes been there"->bad background and past,you see her feelings in her face,what she experienced, lines=symbol for mental pressure,exhaustion, helplessness
"didnt fit in there"-> cannot integrate,prejudices against homeless,they dont want to identify with them (prejudices e.g.:they consume drugs,commit crimes....)
-paradise stands for safety,welfare,social covering...

also das habe ich bis jetzt..aber wie gesagt..bis jetzt reicht das noch nicht für 10minuten.. vielleicht habt ihr ja noch ideen oder das schonmal in der schule gemacht..
den songtext findet ihr unter:

liebe grüße :)
GAST stellte diese Frage am 30.10.2008 - 12:50

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Antwort von Mushi (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.10.2008 - 16:45
"The whole song is an appeal, which says that you should never forget people, who live in worse circumstances.
It`s important to see them, instead of looking away. There have to be more people, who really want to help others, because everybody could get in such a bad situation like becoming homeless. If that happens to someone, he or she would expect others to help her or him as well, so why are they only able to see this problems, when they get into it? Homless people, beggars etc. are humans like everyone else in our society, but they aren`t accepted, all because of money and their "abnormal" way of surviving."
Sowas würde ich noch schreiben als Faszit oder so ^^

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