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Englischarbeit "freies schreiben"

Frage: Englischarbeit "freies schreiben"
(5 Antworten)

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hey leute ich schreib morgen ne englischrabeit übers thema gentic engineering und so..
hab jetzt mal nen freien text geschrieben und hab ka ob des grammatisch einigermaßen ok ist!
wär cool wenn mal jmd drüber gucken könnt!
schonmal thx

"Now we life in the 20th century and the engineering and medical progress is very fast
Now we must ask us the question How long will it take to make a copy of a people and if we like this progress.

One the one hand scientists can produce copies of humans whose organs can be used to save the lives of others but on the other hand I’m sure that we can’t prevent the genetic engineering before violation.
Few peoples will use cloning for dangerous aims like breeding a superior race or cloning armies. I think it’s against gods will to clone human beings. Maybe the scientists are in 10 or 20 years theoretical will be ready for cloning human beings but I’m against this because it will destroy our human individuality and no one can know which consequences cloning will have in the future. I’m of the opinion that when cloning is legal and everyone can clone sth. or sb. the worlds end isn’t far away. Then everyone will have a perfect baby and the babies will have perfect babies and then our live is dependent of our genes. Than it is a question of time until the live of our planet will be like the live in the science fiction film Gattaca from 1997.When this scenario come truth no one needs a man or a woman to father someone, Than you need just a test tube That is the reason why I’m against cloning human being. But that isn’t to say that I’m against cloning in general. Cloning plants for improve the fruit or make the fruits bigger isn’t so bad. Maybe that is a first step in the big fight against hunger in the world. So we will produce better fruits with less money. An other positive suspect of genetic engineering you find in the topic criminality. Here can genetic finger points help to identify and catch criminals faster and easier"
Frage von f.r.e.a.k (ehem. Mitglied) | am 14.05.2008 - 16:49

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Antwort von f.r.e.a.k (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.05.2008 - 17:08
ich geh jetzt mal zu meim fussballspiil und guck heut abend nochmal ob ihr was geschrieben habt! wär echt net weil mirs total für die arbeit moregn helfen würd wenn ichs auf en spciker schreib!

nur was bringts mir wenn ich moregn des ausfschreib und tausend fehler drin sind also dann bis später!ich hoff mal das noch jmd. die zeit findet es mal durchzugucken
wär echt total nett also ciao bis dann

Antwort von GAST | 14.05.2008 - 17:10
also in der ersten zeile heißt es shcon mal am anfang "now we live" statt "now we life"

Antwort von GAST | 14.05.2008 - 17:30
Nowadays, we are living in the 20th century where the development of engineering and medical progress is very fast.
That is why we have to ask ourselves how long it will take to make a perfect copy of a human being and if we like this progress.
One the one hand scientists are able to produce copies of humans whose organs can be used to save the lives of others, but on the other hand I am (in Texten keine Abkürzungen verwenden!) sure that we can not prevent the genetic engineering from violation. Some people will use cloning for dangerous aims like breeding a superior race or cloning armies for example. I think it is against our God`s will to clone human beings. It is possible that in 10 or 20 years (die Zeit immer zuerst) scientists will be (nicht zwischen den Zeiten hin und her springen, einmal Futur; immer Futur) theoretically ready for cloning human beings, but I am against this because it will destroy our human individuality. Furthermore, no one can know which consequences cloning will have in the future. (erscheint gegensätzlich, weil du vorher weißt, was passieren wird; weiter ausarbeiten) From my point of view, (wende differenzierte und unterschiedliche Einleitungen an) humanity`s end will not be far away when cloning is legal and everyone is able clone something (ausschreiben!) or somebody. Then everyone will have a perfect baby and the babies will have perfect babies and then our life (one life, two lives; to live) is dependent of our genes (unklar, was du damit sagen möchtest). Then, it will be only a question of time until the life of our planet will be similar to the life in the science fiction film "Gattaca" from 1997. When this scenario comes true no one will need a partner to father someone. The only thing needed would be a test tube. That is the reason why I am against cloning human beings. Nevertheless, this does not mean that I am against cloning in general. Cloning plants to improve the fruits or make the fruits bigger is not that bad. Maybe that is a first step in the big fight against hunger in the world. In that way we will be able to produce better fruits with less money. Another positive suspect of genetic engineering could be found in the topic criminality. Genetic finger prints for example could help to identify and catch criminals faster and easier.

Antwort von GAST | 14.05.2008 - 17:31
erstens heißt es " genetic fingerprints" und des weiteren hab ich noch nen positiven fakt: man kann gentechnologie auch dazu benutzen nur organe zu kolonen um die dann in kranke menschen einzusetzen und
man kann die gentechnologie ebenfalls bei der krankheitsbekämpfung wie krebs oder aids einsetzen.

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Antwort von f.r.e.a.k (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.05.2008 - 21:42
vielen dank leute..hab zwar mein spiel verloren aber vll helfen mir ja die verbesserungen zu ner 3 in englisch!
also thx und ciao bis zum nächsten ma

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