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(3 Antworten)

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Da ich nich ganz so der beste in englisch bin und morgen leider nen Film Review von 8mile abgeben muss wäre es sehr nett wenn ihr mir helfen würdet...
Habe den Text schon soweit fertig nur mein englsich is halt net so gut....könnten ne menge fehler versteckt sein:D

1995 Detroit, a city marked by unemployment, crime, poverty and racial problems.
8 Mile is the name of the street, the center of the Detroit suburbs vornehmeren separates.
In the poorer districts is hip-hop the only way to get content in life, including rap is for Jimmy (Eminem), Future, DJ Iz, Sol and the other boys of the district the only perspective for life.
Jimmy, who lives with his mother in a park Traier his, is the main character in the film and starts after difficulties and with the support of the lovely Alex, the way to the stage, with his voice.
Directly he thrilled the spectators exclusively black despite his white skin color, and found finally a way to speak out his emotions.
Finally i can say that the movie is about the overcoming of borders from the own will power.
To understand the nature and purpose of Hip Hop it is important to look at its roots. Hip Hop originated in the late 1970′s in the South Bronx, New York City. The context was the gheto, it is characterized by crime, bad housing, strict police, discrimination, and poverty.
I think all these points relate on the film because Eminem lives in the ghetto of Detroit.
Furtheremor the film shows how an white man breaks the border of the Black/White thinking.
I think the director will show with this film, that all borders can be overcome with his will power only if we are strong enough to be believe in it.
Some years after the release of 8 mile a other rapper 50cent has take out a Film with the same idea.
He describes his own life in the ghetto and that he breaks a lot of borders with his talent.
In my Oppinion 8mile is perfekt for everyone who loves Hiphop and the culture of Hiphop.
It’s a movie with strong emotions and feelings but its interesting that Eminem breaks the border between Black and White.
I would recommend this Film for everyone.
When I saw the Film I fell with it because the emotions are very strong.
Maybe it could be because of the cooperation between the music and the content.
The rap is a very important part of the film.The property that the rap entertains with musical and content, and also offers a kind of batlle, makes this music perfect for the film.
For the characters in the film is the rap something else. It is a way of expressing thoughts, feelings and emotions and for the most it is the only way to get out of their unhappy life situation. With the help of rap expressed Jimmy (Eminem) himself. At one hand he overcomes his own shyniss on stage and on the other hand he breaks the border between White and balck with the help of his talent.
Frage von Shorty90 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.04.2008 - 15:19

Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2008 - 15:49
1995 Detroit, a city marked by unemployment, crime, poverty and racial problems. 8 Mile is the name of the street, the center of the Detroit suburbs posh/elegant (vornehmeren) separates.

In the poorer districts hip-hop is the only way to get content in life, including is rap for Jimmy (Eminem), Future, DJ Iz, Sol and the other boys of the district the only perspective for life.

Jimmy, who lives with his mother in a park Traier, is the main character in the film. He starts after some dilemas and with the support of the lovely Alex, the way to the stage, with his voice.

Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2008 - 15:52
Hab jetzt nich alles durchgelesen, aber es hört sich ganz gut an^^
Nur am Ende solltest du nicht zu sehr: I think nehmen
Bei einem Rewiev solltest du alles ein bisschen mehr verbinden, aber ansonsten echt guter Text^^
Mach aber lieber ein paar kürzere Sätze, weil bei manchen verdrehst du ein bisschen die Satzstellung, mit kürzen ist es übersichtlicher und du machst nicht zu viele Fehler

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Antwort von Shorty90 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.04.2008 - 16:04
Was gibts denn zum verbinden für möglichkeiten?

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