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Referat: Common Foreign and Security Polic in the European Union

Alles zu Landeskunde

Common Foreign and Security Policy

1 – History of the CFSP
( 1953 – try to found a CFSP failed because of protest of the French National Assembly
( 1970( successful retry through the Davignon report, because of linked sections like trade, development and economy policy which tend to a CFSP ( called European Politcal Cooperation (EPC)
( 1986( the single European Act fixed the EPC as a constitution of the European Community
( 1993( last step for the EPC, it becomes second pillar through Maastricht Treaty > renamed to CFSP
2 – Aims
( to safeguard the common values, fundamental interests, independence
( to strengthen the security of the Union in all ways
( to preserve peace and strengthen international security, in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter
( to promote international cooperation
( to develop and consolidate democracy & the rule of law, respect for human rights & fundamental freedoms
3 – Actors
( highest power is entitled to the European Council ( responsible for treatments & decisions
( highest representative is Javier Solana since October 1999
( European Committee for Security & Policy has position of support & control of the execution
( can be set in as administrator or director for mastery of crises – operations
( European Council can nominate special representatives for special tasks or fields of actions
( at the moment 10 representatives are in action in the region of Balkan and Middle East
(the CFSP does not underlie due to the European Court of Justice

5 – Role of the members
( member states have the most powerful influence > decisions underlie the right for veto and 2/3 majority within important agreements ( every member can decide & direct the development of the CFSP
( have to support and work together & have to refuse actions which would lead to failure
( duty to inform and cooperate within the member states and diplomatic substitutions
6 – International relationships
( diplomatic representatives in many states and international organizations
( examples: WTO (World Trade Organization), FTO (Federation of Tour Operators)
( international agreements with third-party states
7 – The Financing
( CFSP is financed by the common budget paid/supported by the members
( military budgets or dumps of defence & special decisions made by the European Council have to be paid by each member itself
8 – Sources
Vocabulary List
dumps Ausgaben
assembly Versammlung
pillar Pfeiler
consolidate Verfestigen
majority Mehrheit
duty Pflicht
CFSP in the European Union
Teilvortrag zur Europäischen Union mit dem Thema der Gemeinsamen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Angabe von Quellen + einige Fremdwörter übersetzt

Wötert: 397 (413 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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