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Referat: Smith, Will - Biography of a Rapper and Movie star

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Today I'm going to tell you something about Will Smith

Willard Christopher Smith is an actor and rapper from America. He is born in Philadelphia on 25 September 1968.
Will Smith live with his parents William Cristopher Smith and Caroline Smith in simple conditions; he is the second of four children. He was 12 when he began to rap. Then he met Jeff Towers the duo DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince, that made him little famous.
Smith was few years later nominated with a "Grammy" and the "American Music Award for the best rap single of the year.1989 he also began as an actor to work. The idea of the producers was that Will Smith played in the series "The Prince of Bel Air.

Later, he was asked whether he wanted in play with Matrix as Neo, but Will Smith decline. He wanted to play in Wild Wild West.

At 1995 the next spectacular film with Will Smith came out. It's called Man in Black and is full of action.

His international breakthrough, he had until 1995 with the action comedy "Bad Boys". The film was Smith for international breakthrough, and the audience wanted to see more from him.
Will Smith has 3 children, Cristopher Willard Smith III from his ex-wife Sheree Zampino, Willow Camille Reign Smith and Jaden Christopher Syre Smith, both of the current wife jaden Pinkett.
1998, he founded his own production company for film and music, "Will Smith Entertainment Inc.".

His Films where he played:
Straßenkinder (1992) Made in America (1993) Das Leben - Ein Sechserpack (1993) Bad Boys - Harte Jungs (1995) Independence Day (1996) Men in Black (1997) Der Staatsfeind Nr. 1 (1998) Wild Wild West (1999) Die Legende von Bagger Vance (2000) Ali (2001) Men in Black II (2002) Bad Boys II (2003) I, Robot (2004) Hitch - Der Date Doktor (2005) Favorite Das Streben nach Glück (2006) I Am Legend (2007) Hancock (2008) Favorite Sieben Leben (2008) Men in Black III (2012)

The Perfect Date (1990) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990) Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1997)
All of Us (2003) Entertainment Tonight (2006) Caiga Quien Caiga (2007)

I think Will Smith is a super actor in comedies and action movies.
My opinion is when will smith in a film plays with, he is also certainly good.
In diesem Vortrag geht es um Will Smith.
Er ist Rapper und Darsteller in mehreren erfolgreichen Kinofilmen. (361 Wörter)
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