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Bitte mal drüberlesen!

Frage: Bitte mal drüberlesen!
(4 Antworten)

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Hallo kann mal jemand über den Englischen Text drüberschauen und gegebenenfalls korigieren?

Christopher McCandless is a 22-year old student from a wealthy family who live in a suburb near Washington D.C.
. After graduating, he goes on a two-year journey through the U.S.A. which is a sign that he wants to see something new in the world which is unknown to him. He also separates himself from his all material things and this shows that he is not satisfied with his life till this point. So he goes on a trip with a lot of challenges far away from the civilisation.

Danke euch!
Frage von Steffen1991 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 24.06.2009 - 19:22

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Antwort von A-Dee | 24.06.2009 - 19:31
nich besser wenn man schreiben würde in der 2. zeile :

He does a two-year journey ... ?!?!?!?!

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Antwort von Steffen1991 (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.06.2009 - 19:38
ja haste recht... sonst in ordnung?

Antwort von GAST | 24.06.2009 - 19:55
After graduated from (weiß nicht.. college?)...
separates himself from all his material things ...

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Antwort von Dadadum (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.07.2009 - 16:10
@ Pokaemon: nein, es heisst "after graduating from (college etc.)"

Ich wuerde es so schreiben:
Christopher McCandless is a 22-year old student from a wealthy family who lives in a suburb near Washington D.C. . Once he has graduated, he journeys throughout the US for two years. This is a sign that he wants to discover new things in a world which is unknown to him.
He also separates himself from all material things and this shows that he is not satisfied with his life till this point. So he goes on a trip far from any semblance of civilisation on which he encounters a lot of challenges and adventures.

was meintest du mit "which is unknown to him" ?
so wie ichs geschrieben habe ist es jetzt die welt, wenn du was anderes meintest musst du es natuerlich wieder aendern, ich fands nur nicht sonderlich klar.

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