The light bulb
The light bulb
was invented by Heinrich Göbel
was born on the 20th April in 1818 in Springs
visited a boy’s school
was the worst of his year, because of an lengthy illness
was an “inventive mind”
After his school time he learned the occupation of the watchmaker
In 1837 he opened a shop for mechanics and optics
There he carries out the first attempts with electric light bulbs and light curves
In 1844 he married Sophie Lübke
They got 9 children
On the 13th November in 1848 he left Germany, because he wants to emigrate in the USA
Opened a store for optics too
Wanted to draw the attention of the people to his store, so he hangs up a light curve
This was forbitten him quickly by the justice
Continued his earlier experiments with electric light bulbs and invented in 1854 the first operational electric light bulb
During the next years he improves the light bulb constantly
But he announced no patent for it
In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison announced his patent for his new invented light bulb
So it came to a court process between Edison and Goebels
In 1893 Goebels could prove that he had invented the electric bulb 25 years before Edison
He died on the 4th December in 1893 in New York
Biography of the inventor of the light bulb. (229 Wörter)
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- HiLFE! Ist der Text verständlich und fehlerfrei?Hallöchen... ich brauche Eure Hilfe... ich hab folgenden Text und weiss nicht genau, ob jeder den versteht bzw. ob er in der ..
- Sehr sehr wichtig....bitte Text auf Fehler überprüfenHallöchen... ich gestalte gerade ein Plakat über Edison.... doch nun weiss ich leider nicht ob mein Text frei von ..
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