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HiLFE! Ist der Text verständlich und fehlerfrei?

Frage: HiLFE! Ist der Text verständlich und fehlerfrei?
(3 Antworten)

Hallöchen... ich brauche Eure Hilfe... ich hab folgenden Text und weiss nicht genau, ob jeder den versteht bzw. ob er in der richtigen Zeitform geschrieben ist!

Schaut einfach mal rüber und teilt mir euer Ergebnis mit!

Ps. wenn ihr verbesserungsvorschläge habt... ich bin für alles offen :)

“ I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent it. “
These are the words of Thomas Alva Edison. He is the greatest inventor in American history. Edison´s inventions changed the world.
Edison amazed people with the first practical electric light bulb. The phonograph was another of his successes. He invented a movie camera and projector and was one of the first people to produce movies.
Edison also did much more. He invented the business of inventing. He brought together teams of scientists and engineers. Edison used to solve problems. In so doing, Edison introduced the idea of the modern research laboratory, which many companies use today.
Edison worked day and night on his projects.
“Genius,” Edison said, “is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration ”.
Edison was a successful inventor despite a physical challenge. During his lifetime, Edison was granted 1093 patents in the United States.

The electric light bulb:
In 1878, Edison attracted a new field. He began experimenting with electric lighting. Many inventors focused their work on the filament within a light bulb. But no one had been able to find the right filament material. The filaments that had been tried burned for only a few moments. Edison and his men tried filaments of many different substances. They tried copper and steel, boron and gold and nickel and chromium. They formed them into hairpin shapes. For each test, the air had to be pumped out of a glass bulb before the filament could be tested. This created a vacuum within the bulb. When the test material was burned within a vacuum, it burned longer and brighter. Early in 1879, Edison began to experience the first hint of success with electric lighting. A very thin spiral of platinum was being tested at the time and it burned for two hours. But Edison knew that he could do better. In summer of 1879, Edison turned to carbon as a filament. Thomas Edison and other inventors had tried carbon before, but it burned out too quickly. But Edison had created a better vacuum inside the test bulb. At first the bulb glowed dimly. Then, as the power of the electric current increased, it burned brighter and brighter. The bulb burned for more than half a day. More testing followed. Edison tested many other substances for example paper, cardboard, flax, wood shavings, fishing line and coconut shell. A thin strip of cardboard seemed to work the best. The cardboard was boiled in sugar and alcohol. Once converted into carbon, the cardboard filament burned for 170 hours. In November 1879, Edison applied for a patent for a carbon- filament light bulb.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 07.04.2010 - 17:39

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Antwort von pilot_coach (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.04.2010 - 19:36
also ich wuerde wohl nur in der einleitung was aendern

“ I find out what the world needs.
Then I go ahead and try to invent it. “
These are the words of Thomas Alva Edison. He is the greatest inventor in American history.
( maybe: He is one of the greatest inventors in American history )
Edison´s inventions changed the world.
Edison amazed people with the first practical electric light bulb. The phonograph was another of his successes.
( maybe: The phonograph was another successes. )

der rest ist wohl sicher o.k.

Antwort von GAST | 07.04.2010 - 20:26
Klingt gut und lässt sich gut lesen.
1) Edison´s inventions changed the world.
vielleicht hier Present Perfect: Edison`s inventions have changed the world. (weil die Bedeutung der Erfindungen bis in die Gegenwart reicht)
2) Bei pilot coach`s zweitem Vorschlag muss dann das "es" bei "successes" weggelassen werden, weil es dann kein Plural mehr ist.

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Antwort von pilot_coach (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.04.2010 - 22:19
stimmt - nicht schlecht das forum hier... gute nacht!

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