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Zusammenfassungen "Looking for Alaska" von John Green

Alles zu Werke

Summary one (7-48):

Miles Halter, the protagonist, leaves his family in Florida to go to a boarding school in Alabama. There he makes friends with Chip Martin, whose nickname is "The Colonel and who is his roommate. The Colonel introduces him to a girl named Alaska Young, who is beautiful and has many books in her room, and Takumi another friend of him. Miles gets at his first day his nickname "Pudge, which the Colonel chose. The Colonel shows him a lake nearby the school, where Pudge smokes his first cigarette. The evening before his first day at school, a few boys come to his dorm and take him out. They tape him at his legs and his chest so he cannot swim and throw him into the lake near the dorm rooms. Therefor the Colonel explains it is war. (136 words)

Summary two (48-83):
The Colonel takes Pudge to the first basketball game of the season. The team of Culver Creek is terribly bad but the atmosphere is phenomenal. The whole school is like bullying the other team. For his behaviour, the Colonel is ejected from the gym. One afternoon Takumi, the Colonel, Alaska and Pudge go smoking and get pinched by the Eagle. He is a teacher, who thinks his task it is to punish those, who ignore the laws of the school. The Colonel and Alaska take the blame on them and Takumi and Pudge get out without a punishment. As Alaska had told Pudge at his very first days at Culver Creek, he searched a girlfriend for him. She arranged a triple-and-half date for him with herself and her boyfriend Jake, the Colonel with his girlfriend Sara, Pudge with his date Lara and Takumi. They go to another basketball game in the gym. However, this time the Colonel goes too far and one if the players of the other team throws the ball after Takumi and Pudge who are running outside the gym to be safe. The ball hits Pudge and he has a concussion and pukes over Lara who comes to look after him. A few days later, it starts to rain and it does not stop raining. The Weekday Warriors flood Alaska's room, which means to get a big prank on them back. To plan the prank Alaska asks Pudge to stay at the Creek over Thanksgiving and agrees. (249 words)

Summary three (84-135):
At Thanksgiving, the Colonel picks Pudge and Alaska up and they eat with him and his mother. After the Thanksgiving days, they plan a pre-prank on the Eagle and the people who threw Pudge into the lake. They light firecrackers to get the Eagle out of his house, and then Alaska and the Colonel sent mails to the families of Weekday Warriors, which say they will fail each three courses. Furthermore, Lara mixes undiluted industrial-strength blue number-five hair dye in the conditioner and the gel of Kevin and the two other boys who threw Pudge into the lake. After the prank, the all meet in a barn, where they sleep. That night Pudge and Lara get together. A few days later in the evening, Pudge and the Colonel are at Alaska's and they play Thruth or Dare. Because of that, Pudge and Alaska hook up. The next morning Alaska answers a phone call and is hysterical afterwards. She pleads that the Colonel and Pudge get rid of the Eagle so Alaska can disappear without being noticed. (167 words)

Summary four (139-162):
On a Tuesday morning, the Eagle goes around the dorm circle and gets everyone awake to meet in the gym. There he tells the students that Alaska died last night in a car crash. Everyone freaks out and the Colonel and Pudge blame themselves for her dying. They say that they have to stop her driving drunk. The Sunday after, the whole school goes to Alaska's funeral. When school begins again, there is an uncomfortable silence. One day after school, the Colonel tells Pudge he has a plan. They got everything out of Alaska's room her aunt should not see and found a sentence next to a important question in one of Alaska's dozens of books. The question is "How will I ever get out of this labyrinth? and Alaska wrote next to it "Straight & Fast. Now the Colonel wants to find out what happened that night she died and if it was suicide. (155 words)

Summary five (163-194):
The Colonel and Pudge walk to the police station to talk to the officer who saw Alaska die. The man tells them, he turned on the lights and the serene but Alaska did not stop. He jumped out of the car and ran and Alaska crashed into his cruiser without hitting the brakes or turning. Later the two students want to look how drunk their friend was, so the Colonel gets drunk until he has a BAL of .24, what was Alaska's BAL. That they tested with the Breathalyzer they took from the Eagle. They find out that the Colonel cannot even walk straight and of course cannot drive a car that drunk. A few days after that they tell Takumi, everything they know and include him to their plan to get to know what happened. The Colonel calls Jake, Alaska's boyfriend to get to know about what they had their phone call the night she died and what happened. A day later Pudge tells Lara everything too and includes her as well, after they ignored each other for the whole last month. Now the four students are at a point where they do not know what to do next to get to know why Alaska was that hysterical in the night of the accident. (215 words)

Summary six (195-221):
The Colonel, Pudge, Takumi and Lara plan a prank, which was made up by Alaska before dying. At Culver Creek, there is every year a Speakers Day when the juniors and the seniors have to invite a speaker like a politician or a scientist. Alaska's prank was to let a stripper come. The whole class works together even the Weekday Warriors are included and they get the prank done. Afterwards the Eagle visits the four students and tells them he knows that it was their prank and that they should never do something like that again. When he leaves he smiles and says it was, as Alaska would have written the speech the stripper held before getting nearly undressed. At the end of the school year, the Colonel and Pudge drive to the place of the accident as a last thing to do. Before the last day, Takumi leaves a letter to the Colonel and Pudge in which he tells them that he met Alaska at her dying day searching flowers for her mother's grave and that this was the reason why he knew why Alaska freaked out. She was hysterical because it was the day eight years after her mother's death. Usually she leaves white flowers at her grave. However, this time she forgot so she wanted to drive to her and place the white tulips there. The very last thing they have to do for school is a text about the question how they think they get out of the labyrinth, which Alaska answered, with three little words: Straight & Fast. (263 words)
Zusammenfassungen von Textausschnitten aus dem englischen Roman "Looking for Alaska" von John Green. (1227 Wörter)
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Looking for Alaska | John Green | Looking for Alaska Zusammenfassung
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