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Definition: Geothermic is the form of warmth saved in the earth, which comes to 30% from the hot earth-core and which to 70% develops from the permanent division of radioactive pieces.
How energy is saved by Geothermic
Holes are bored into the earth until they reach the hot earth-core. They can be until 7000 m deep, depending on the different methods. The general method is the Dry-Steam-Method. Cold water is lead down to ca. 4500 m depth, where the temperature is 120-175 °C, depending on the natural conditions. In the warmth the water turns to steam. Then it is returned to power stations at the surface where, at temperatures of about 100°C, it can drive turbines to produce energy.

Advantages of Geothermic:
-It’s renewable
-It can be used day and night and doesn’t depend on the weather
-Geothermal stations don’t need much space on the earth surface
-It’s environmental-friendly

Disadvantages of Geothermic:
-The turbines are very expensive and have to be renewabled very often, because calk damages them after a short time
-It can’t be used everywhere

Geothermie auf Englisch erklärt (Was ist thermische Energie, bzw. geothermische Energie?)

- Definition
- How energy is saved by Geothermic
- Advantages of Geothermic
- Disadvantages of Geothermic (178 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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