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Englisch Brief

Frage: Englisch Brief
(12 Antworten)

stimmt die Seite?

schreibt man nach einem komma groß?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 04.05.2009 - 15:59

Beiträge 0
Antwort von *Haselhörnchen* (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.05.2009 - 16:00
ja das stimmt. In diesem Fall,
wird nach dem Komma groß geschrieben.

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 16:00
ok gut zu wissen danbke

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 16:36
The task: You are Lee Dabson. Writen answer to Sandra Keegan’s e mail. Refer to the text she wrote and tell her if you still want to become a policeman/women and why or why not.

Dear Sandra Kreegan,

Thanks for your last letter and the nice photos. I am glad that you have written me. The weather is here very good. It is in Germany very hot. And how is the weather by you? I am not so fine, because I am ill. You have asked me what my dream job is and I still do not know it. But I know that I do not want to become a policeman, because you do not know when you have to begin with your work. Sometimes you have to work early in the morning sometimes later or even at night. I have also a family. My wife and my children would always have to worry about me, because I could be hurt or other bad things could happen. I hope I can find another good job for me.
Maybe you can give me some advice?


Lee Dabson

was kann man noch hinschriben brauche 300 wörter

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 16:48
"The weather is very good. It is very hot here in Germany."
Ich glaub nicht, dass du "by you" sagen kannst. Wenn dann wohl eher "your weather" oder sowas.

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 16:48
Dear Sandra Kreegan,

Thanks for your last letter and the nice photos. I am glad that you have written me. The weather here is very good. It is very hot in Germany. And how is the weather there? I am not so fine, because I am ill. You have asked me, what my dream job is and I still do not know it. But I know that I do not want to become a policeman, because you do not know, when you have to begin with your work. Sometimes you have to work early in the morning and sometimes later or even at night. I also have a family. My wife and my children would always have to worry about me, because I could be hurt or other bad things could happen. I hope I can find another good job for me.
Maybe you can give me some advice?

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 16:49

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 16:51
ich verbessere noch mein text und füge was hinzu

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 16:56
Dear Sandra Kreegan,

Thanks for your last letter and the nice photos. I am glad that you have written me. The weather here is very good. It is very hot in Germany. And how is the weather there? I am not so fine, because I am ill. I have 39 Celsius fever, but I think tomorrow I am fine. The photos that you send me are very nice. You son are very sweet. How old is he? I have a new phone number. The number is 040/7154308. You have asked me, what my dream job is and I still do not know it. But I know that I do not want to become a policeman, because you do not know, when you have to begin with your work. Sometimes you have to work early in the morning and sometimes later or even at night. I also have a family. My wife and my children would always have to worry about me, because I could be hurt or other bad things could happen. I hope I can find another good job for me.
Maybe you can give me some advice?


Lee Dabson


Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 17:06
to have a temperature - Fieber haben
a touch of fever (Brit.) - leichtes Fieber
He has a temperature. - Er hat Fieber.

also: "I have a temperature of 39°C but I think that I`ll be fine again tomorrow."
"Your son is very sweet."

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 17:11
Ist dass so korrekt, kan man noch was hinschrieben?

Dear Sandra Kreegan,

Thanks for your last letter and the nice photos. I am glad that you have written me. The weather here is very good. It is very hot in Germany. And how is the weather there? I am not so fine, because I am ill. I have a temperature of 39°C but I think that I would be fine again tomorrow. The photos that you send me are very nice. You son is very sweet. How old is he? I have a new phone number and I have a new e mail. The number is XXXXX and my e mail address is XXXXXde. You have asked me, what my dream job is and I still do not know it. But I know that I do not want to become a policeman, because you do not know, when you have to begin with your work. Sometimes you have to work early in the morning and sometimes later or even at night. I also have a family. My wife and my children would always have to worry about me, because I could be hurt or other bad things could happen. I hope I can find another good job for me.
Maybe you can give me some advice?


Lee Dabson

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 04.05.2009 - 17:15
Private Telefonnummern oder e-mail-adressen veröffentlich man auf keinen Fall im Internet!
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 04.05.2009 - 17:16
"The photos that you have sent me are very nice. YouR son is very sweet."

und noch "e-mail address"

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