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Frage: Englisch-Korrektur
(8 Antworten)

Hallo Leute

Ich muss eine summary schreiben zu der unteren Geschichte.
Ich hab unten eine suamry geschrieben kann jemand sie bitte korrigieren?

One afternoon a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother.
Finally a little girl did come along and she was carrying a basket of food. "Are you carrying that basket to your grandmother?" asked the wolf. The little girl said yes, she was. So the wolf asked her where her grandmother lived and the little girl told him and he disappeared into the wood.

When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother`s house she saw that there was somebody in bed with a nightcap and nightgown on. She had approached no nearer than twenty-five feet from the bed when she saw that it was not her grandmother but the wolf, for even in a nightcap a wolf does not look any more like your grandmother than the Metro-Goldwyn lion looks like Calvin Coolidge. So the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead.

(Moral: It is not so easy to fool little girls nowadays as it used to be.)

The text the little girl and the wolf is written by james Thurber and is about a wolf, who is waiting of a girl in the forest.
With the time there came a girl and she went to her grandmother. When she was in the house of the grandmother, she saw that the wolf are in the bed and not his grandmother. She shot wolf from more full impact.

so hab ich es kappiert.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.09.2008 - 19:29

Antwort von GAST | 02.09.2008 - 19:34
The text `The little girl and the wolf` ... who is waiting for a girl in the forrest.

With the time ist auf jeden fall nicht richtig. Vielleicht suddenly?
came a girl, who was on the way to her grandmother.
When she was in the house of her grandmother, she saw that the wolf was lying in the bed instead of her grandmother. She shot the wolf...

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Antwort von nttb (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.09.2008 - 19:37
nicht(With the time)-- besser: as time goes by

When she was in the grandmother`s house

Antwort von GAST | 02.09.2008 - 19:42
danke für eure hilfen?
ist der inhalt richtig?

Antwort von GAST | 02.09.2008 - 19:51
ich würde sagen ja, weil du die wichtigsten fakten drin hast, aber ich bin in sowas auch nich soo gut, weil ich immer zu viel reinschreibe :D:D

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Antwort von Bootcamp (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.09.2008 - 19:55
The story "The little girl and the wolf" ,written by ... and deals with an wolf who .....
At that time a little girl is going to her grandmother`s house. So she opens the door and go into her grandmother`s bedroom.As she is 25 feets away she see a wolf lies into her grandmom beds and she takes a shootgun out of her bag and to loose off at the bad wolf.The wolf

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Antwort von 5xXxXx5 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.09.2008 - 19:56
The text "the little girl and the wolf" is written by james Thurber. It deals with a wolf who is waiting of a girl in the forest.
By time there came a girl who go to her grandmother. When she is in the grandmother`s house, she see that the wolf is in the bed and not her grandmother. She take an weapon and shot the wolf down.

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Antwort von 5xXxXx5 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.09.2008 - 19:58
ups, fehlt überall *es^^ bei den verben, ist außerdem nur eine sprachliche korrektur.

Antwort von GAST | 19.11.2008 - 21:14
eine summary wird IMMER im present geschrieben.

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