Nonsense words
3 Beiträge gefunden:
0 Dokumente und 3 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Nonsense words:
3 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema nonsense words:
Nonsense Words?
In the following sentences the words written in capital letters are „nonsense“ words which have been carefully invented for this test:
Read the sentence carefully and consider them in relation to each other. Then write down below the meaning that you think the “nonsense” word has.
This sentence is written on..
Nonsense Words?
In the following sentences the words written in capital letters are „nonsense“ words which have been carefully invented for this test:
Read the sentence carefully and consider them in relation to each other. Then write down below the meaning that you think the “nonsense” word has.
This sentence is writ..
Kann ein English Profi meine Charakterisierung anschauen und mir Verbesserungs Vorschläge geben. Danke!
Shankar Characterization
The chapter X Gkrz Opknu (or a Lovestory) deals with a important character whose name is Shankar. Shankar is an orphan boy with the age of 17. His favorite food is chappatis and lentils. Since he was born he has a ..