Discussion round
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3 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema discussion round:
Hallo zusammen,
könnte mir bitte meinen text durchlesen und verbessern :)
wäre sehr, sehr nett
German presidential election, 2010
Horst Köhler, the old president of Germany, was the first one, who gives up his job before his term of office will be ending. Most of the German people loves their president. It was a shock, that he gave..
Hey kann mir jemand helfen denn nachfolgenden zu verbessern achtet pls nicht so auf Groß und KLeinschreibung oder Kommas... Merci
My first argument is the reputation. Imagine when you asked someone before the World cup what they think about South Africa, he would say that many people are poor, that there is high criminality rate in South Africa..
Was haltet ihr davon:
"Knowing english well is equivalent to a college degree"
würdet ihr zustimmen?