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Frage: Englischkorrektur
(1 Antwort)

Hey kann mir jemand helfen denn nachfolgenden zu verbessern achtet pls nicht so auf Groß und KLeinschreibung oder Kommas... Merci

My first argument is the reputation. Imagine when you asked someone before the World cup what they think about South Africa, he would say that many people are poor, that there is high criminality rate in South Africa and so on. But the World Cup shows that the South Africans are nice and friendly people, who celebrates every day at every match, also if the Bafana Bafana the South African team had lost the match- that we have seen between Bafana Bafana and Uruguay where Bafana Bafana had lost three to zero. And after the match the players had made an extra round an thanked for the support. Also we can see that the people there are friendly in every report in TV or in the newspapers. The atmosphere is very well, the inhabitants welcome all tourists from every country all over the world, so there are very hospitable. The reputation of this country are much better than before for example the global newspaper the Times write that there is a big party around the World Cup. Another aspect that the South Africans can show us there traditions for example the Orisha-Dance a special welcoming dance which shows us how the South Africans respect the tourists, otherwise were depicted how talented and attractive the hosts are.
Another problem which where in discussions are stadium construction and the infrastructure many people say that South Africa can not build in a few months stadium where ninety-thousand people see a soccerl match, but South Africa had shown us that nothing is impossible. With work times over 18 hours and many positive energy was almost everything finished in this low time only a few things were not completely finished.
My second argument is that the World Cup is for the first time in South Africa, especially at the continent Africa. That’s a big exceptions it is for the first time in Africa since over seventy years – That’s amazing. So for the country it is a very specific honour. The World Cup brings a lot which they realised in a few years for example the infrastructure is naturally better than before that is not only good at the moment it helps also in the future. Another point is that it shows that Africans could freaked out of football which we seen now. That can end in a continental soccer boom and the African teams can play better at this moment – only one team (Ghana) is qualified for the round of sixteen. Racism is another aspect, the World Cup can help that the relationship between black and white people go on the right way.
Thank you!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 27.06.2010 - 15:46

Antwort von GAST | 28.06.2010 - 09:12
My first argument is [..]reputation. Imagine if you had asked someone before the World cup what he thought about South Africa,
he would have said that many people were poor, that there were high crime rate in South Africa and so on. (1)But the World Cup shows that [...]South Africans are nice and friendly people, who celebrate[...] at every match every day , even if [...] Bafana Bafana the South African team has lost the match. t We have seen this in the matchbetween Bafana Bafana and Uruguay which Bafana Bafana [...]lost three nill. And after the match the players [...] made an extra round thanking for the support. [...]we alsocan see that the people there are friendly in each report on TV or in the newspapers.

1) schreibe in einem Papier, das bewertet wird, nie "usw": entweder du weißt was, dann schreibe es hin, mit "usw" täuscht du nicht vorhandenes Wissen vor.

Ich habe mir nur mal einen kleinen Teil deines "reports" vorgenommen; von der Grammatik her ist er grenzwertig. Ich habe leider nicht genügend Zeit alles zu kofrrigieren.


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