Alaska summary
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1 Dokumente und 2 Forumsbeiträge1 Dokumente zum Thema Alaska summary:
Kurze englische Zusammenfassung über Alaska, der größten amerikanischen Staat
(159 Wörter)
2 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema alaska summary:
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Muss halt eine kleinere zusammfassung sein
Hier ist der Text:
Usa - A first Glance
The United States of America is a big country.Only Russia,Canada,and China are geographiically bigger.Only China and India have more people.The united States s..
Summary of the plot:
It is a very cold winter in Alaska and two Indians travel with six dogs. One of the dogs escape from the Indians and had been a wild dog. This dog is called Kiche and she is half dog and half wolf she got some cubs from a wolf, which was called One Eye. Only one was staying alive. He is called White Fang. He grew up in the wil..