Katy Perry referat in Englisch
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0 Dokumente und 3 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Katy Perry referat in Englisch:
3 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Katy Perry referat in Englisch:
Hey Leute! könntet ihr mir helfen und das Referat verbessern!?
Today I want to tell you something about Katy Perry!
Katy is an american singer and songwriter and famous all over the world. She is a great star voice and her motto is: We love to entertain you! Katy was born in 1984 in Santa Barbara and her right name is Katherin Elizabeth Huds..
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Katy Perry
Today I will talk about Katy Perry.
Katy Perry is an American singer, songwriter and actress and she’s known all over the w..
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Katy is an American singer and songwriter and famous all over the world. She is a great star voice and her motto is: We love to entertain you! Katy was born in 1984 in Santa Barbara and her real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. She is 29 years old.
Katy`s parents work ..