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3 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Englische Text American Dream bitte korrigieren:

In the essay “What America means to me”, Benjamin Livian defines the American Dream as the ability to freely practice your religion and the equal right to political participation of every American citizens. He also describes the American Dream as the equal opportunities for every American citizens to go from “rags to riches” as long as they work ha..
Martin Luther King Before more than 40 years a black american man had a dream. He dreamed of a world, where all the people have the same rights, unabhängig von ihrer Hautfarbe oder Religion: Martin Luther King. 1.Who was Martin Luther King? Martin Luther King was an American Baptist minister and civil rights. -He was born on 15 January 1..
hey könnte bitte jemand die film review überarbeiten? danke:) The film “Forrest Gump” is about how a boy makes his life in the American dream. At the beginning they show the main character Forrest as a stupid boy but in the end he is a very famous Ping-Pong-player. Whit his mother he grows up in Alabama and goes to college. Later h..
Um die passende kostenlose Hausaufgabe oder Referate über Englische Text American Dream bitte korrigieren zu finden, musst du eventuell verschiedene Suchanfragen probieren. Generell ist es am sinnvollsten z.B. nach dem Autor eines Buches zu suchen und dem Titel des Werkes, wenn du die Interpretation suchst!