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Typical Rome ?

Frage: Typical Rome ?
(13 Antworten)

Hi !

Also ich habe, mal wieder, mein Referat verpeilt.
Ich soll bis Mittwoch einen kurzen Text über das typische Verhalten der Römer fertig haben, doch finde ich im Internet nix darüber. Ich weiß nur bis jetzt, dass die Römer zwei Haupt Fußballmannschaften haben und das die Fanmitgliedschaft vererbt wird und das es dir passieren kann, wenn du den Verein wechselst, dass du enterbt wirst.

Nun fände ich es einfach genial, wenn ihr mir ein paar Stichworte zum Thema "Typical Rome" geben könntet, möglichst bis morgen Nachmittag/Abend.

Ich danke euch jetzt schon...

Super liebe Grüße
GAST stellte diese Frage am 03.03.2008 - 19:02

Beiträge 304
Antwort von tatlichicken | 04.03.2008 - 15:40
Ich nehm mal an das sie den Roller meint!

Naja also des haben wir in unsern Schulheft in Geschichte auf Deutsch aufgeschrieben, wie die gegessen haben, also die im alten Rom: (Übersetzt auf Englisch, nicht sicher ob fehler vorhanden)

Food culture: Breakfast: In antique Rome the people ate 3 times daily and they ate only bread, olives, sheep`s milk cheese to the breakfast, and drank wine.
It also mostly went very fast above the stage. This custom has kept even to nowadays. It is quite normal in southern lands (above all, in Greece and Italy) that to the breakfast only one espresso is drunk, and a croissant is eaten. Lunches: Because it was very hot in antique Rome also already at midday, at that time one ate as a lunch also already a light diet food as for example fruit, vegetables or light dishes. This life setting has likewise kept till this day. Dinner: This meal was the most important meal in antique Rome. It was called Cena. On this occasion, it concerned magnificent „Fressen “ with which big boards were covered (with dishes as for example: Tuna, snails, flamingo, crane, wild boars, etc.).

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 19:25
naja wenn es dabei um fussball gehen muss kann ich dir nit helfen
abba wenns um allgemein geht kannse ja spezialitäten in sachen essen oder so bringen..
auf jeden fall kann ich di aus eigener erfahrung sagen, dass die da komisch auto fahren (jeder wie er will) ;)

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 19:29
frag mal sir. prise... des is ein römer

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 19:29
Ne is allgemein :-) Einfach was ganz typisch für Rom ist :-) Das die in Rom fahren wie sie wollen bring ich ^^

Slg Parka

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 19:30
dann freu ich mich dass ich dir helfen konnte :P ^^

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Liz2910 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.03.2008 - 19:33
Vespaaaaaaaaaaaaa und so.

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 19:37
meinst du den Roller ?

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 19:49
Sonst keine Ideen oder Stichworte mehr

Antwort von GAST | 04.03.2008 - 15:16
Sry das ich jetzt schon zum dritten Mal hintereinander schreib, aber ich brauche noch ein paar Stichworte....


Danke und super liebe grüße


Beiträge 304
Antwort von tatlichicken | 04.03.2008 - 15:31
Kolosseum? oO des könntest doch mit drannehmen, weil des is doch eig. voll berühmt =)

Beiträge 304
Antwort von tatlichicken | 04.03.2008 - 15:40
Ich nehm mal an das sie den Roller meint!

Naja also des haben wir in unsern Schulheft in Geschichte auf Deutsch aufgeschrieben, wie die gegessen haben, also die im alten Rom: (Übersetzt auf Englisch, nicht sicher ob fehler vorhanden)

Food culture: Breakfast: In antique Rome the people ate 3 times daily and they ate only bread, olives, sheep`s milk cheese to the breakfast, and drank wine.
It also mostly went very fast above the stage. This custom has kept even to nowadays. It is quite normal in southern lands (above all, in Greece and Italy) that to the breakfast only one espresso is drunk, and a croissant is eaten. Lunches: Because it was very hot in antique Rome also already at midday, at that time one ate as a lunch also already a light diet food as for example fruit, vegetables or light dishes. This life setting has likewise kept till this day. Dinner: This meal was the most important meal in antique Rome. It was called Cena. On this occasion, it concerned magnificent „Fressen “ with which big boards were covered (with dishes as for example: Tuna, snails, flamingo, crane, wild boars, etc.).

Antwort von GAST | 04.03.2008 - 16:17
Oh genial ^^ Perfekt danke... Das wird auf jedenfall in meinem Referat vorkommen :-)

Wenn noch jemand etwas zum typischen Verhalten der Römer weiß, bitte hier posten....umso mehr umso besser ;-)

Super liebe Grüße


Beiträge 304
Antwort von tatlichicken | 04.03.2008 - 17:01
Übers Kolosseum kannst ja vll so schreiben:
(ist auch nur übersetzt von Geschichte)
The Coliseum is the biggest one of the amphitheatres built in antique Rome and the biggest closed construction of the Roman antiquity generally. Today built between 72 and 80 A.D., it is one of the landmarks of the city and at the same time a report for the architecture of high standing of the old Romans like for her joy in cruel entertainment.

Antwort von GAST | 04.03.2008 - 20:21
Ok ... also ich hab das jetzt so geschrieben :

Typical Rome

In Rome it’s normal that you are fan of a football team since your birth. In Rome the two biggest football teams are “Lazio Roma” and “AS Roma”. If you are burn as a Lazio Roma fan you got to be it your whole life, because if you change your opinion and go to be fan of AS Roma, it’s quite normal that you could get disinherited.

An other typical behaviour in Rome is the way they drive. It’s some kind of natural that they drive like they want to. Traffic light and all that things don’t care anybody there. Completely different to Germany …

Also a typical sign for Rome is the Vespa. It’s a scooter designed and developed in Italy. The company that funded and brought that to market was Piaggio.

The food culture of the antique Romans was some kind of curious. They ate 3 times a day like us, but they drank vine and ate bread, olives and sheep’s milk cheese for breakfast. So they were often drunken midday’s. Nowadays it’s still like that, they eat just a croissant and drink only a espresso for breakfast. Because it was very hot in antique Rome, even at midday, the old Romans just ate a light diet food as for example fruit, vegetables or light dishes. Some areas still kept this way of life till this day. All that wasn’t very abnormal, but now I’ll try to describe the dinner. As I said as far the old Romans didn’t eat very much all the day, so they were very hungry when it was time for dinner. Because of that the old Romans don’t ate anymore they gorged. They covered big boards with every kind of food, for example: Tuna, snails, flamingo, crane, wild boars, and so on. Some people do it today as the old Romans, but the most people get “civilise”.

Something completely different, but also typical for that city, is the Coliseum. It’s the biggest if the amphitheatres. Built in antique Rome for the old Romans to enjoy their cruel entertainment, occur the biggest closed construction of the Roman antiquity. It’s a sign for the Roman advanced architecture and it’s one of the landmarks of the city.

Nicht über die länge ja nur ein Kurz Vortrag :-)

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