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Wichtig! Englisch Arbeit

Frage: Wichtig! Englisch Arbeit
(13 Antworten)

ich habe hier 2 Fragen die warscheinlich morgen in der Arbeitvorkommen...Kann mir jemand die Antworten kontrolieren!?

1) What does Malcolm X accuse the white man of and what does he advise African Americans to do?
Malcolm X acceses th white man of brainwashing the black people.The whites make their own religion which they are teaching blacks.
They has twisted his Christianity to live in his heaven on earth.
Because of that X advises African Americans to look around and believe what he say.. And everyboady who don`t believe him should go out and look how the whites live. And everyboady will see that the whites live a better life than themselfs because the `white` God has brought the whites a paradis on earth.

2)Explain 3 Stylistic devices

In line 11 to 12 is a metaphor:``...the streets paves with goldan dollars.`` which should shows that th whites have a better life than blacks, have more money and better jobs.Althoug whites don`t work as hard as Blacks do.

Malcolm X uses a appostrophy ``Brothers and Sisters`` tin line 1 to makes the listener see that he is a black man,too who is disriminated against like all blacks. So, he has the same problems like all people.

From line 7 to 9 he uses a enumeration `` this God, that`s his God, the white man`s God.``
Malcolm X makes clear to the people that Chritian religion can`t be th religion of the blacks. They can`t sing and pray to a white God who don`t care about them and to a God which has brought money, luck and happines to white people who dicriminate against blacks.

Danke für die schnelle Hilfe!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 20.02.2008 - 18:21

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:24
das wird schwer gehn,
weil wir ja keinen text haben und kein plan worums geht?
oder meinst du nur rechtschreibfehler?

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:25
Nur Rachtschreibung und Grammatik...
Der Inhalt dürfte richtig sein.

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:30
also wie gesagt ich weiß ned um was es geht
aber weißt das nicht
accuses (!) the white man of brainwashing ?
teaching to the blacks
they have twisted (sicher das twisted hier richtig ist?)
everybody who doesn`t

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:30
Malcolm X acceses the white man of brainwashing the black people. (Was willst du damit sagen?)
The whites create their own religion which they are teaching blacks. They has twisted his Christianity to live in his heaven on earth. (Völlig unverständlich.)

Because of that X advises African Americans to look around and believe what he says.. And everyboady who doesn`t believe him should go away and look how the whites live. Everybody will see that the whites live a better life than they do because the `white` God has brought the whites a paradis on earth.

In lines 11 to 12 thereis a metaphor:``...the streets paves with goldan dollars.`` which should show that white people have a better life than blacks, have more money and better jobs, althoug whites don`t work as hard as blacks do.

Malcolm X uses an appostrophy ``Brothers and Sisters`` in line 1 to make show that he is a black man, too, who is prejudicred against all blacks. So he has the same problems all people have.

From lines 7 to 9 he uses a enumeration `` this God, that`s his God, the white man`s God.``
Malcolm X makes clear that the Christian religion can`t be the religion of the blacks. They can`t sing and pray to a white God who doesn`t care about them and to a God which has brought money, luck and happines olyto white people.

Lern noch mal den tollen Spruch von wegen "He, She, It, das "S" muss mit!" & achte darauf, hast recht viele Fehler gemacht.
enn du den Text schon vorschreibst solltest du evtl nicht so simple Sätze bilden. ;D

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:35
brought THEM a paradis on earth (Wiederholung von whites)
paradisE !

there is / there you can find
which should shows that ---> what shows that
(have kannst weglassen) more money
the mit e nicht th
blacks klein schreiben

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:39
Sind generell sehr sehr viele Wiederholungen drin. ;c

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:41
an appostrophy
to make !
that he is also a black man
Therefore, he has the same problems as everyone
an enumeration
makes clear that Christian religion
the religion
white God who doesen`t care about them

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:42
denk die gruseligsten fehler sind drausen...
boa vor allem das mit he she it ^^ hilfe
ansonsten is halt einfach die sprache ziemlich "gewollt"
und ja viele wiederholungen

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:49
Ja Englisch ist eindeutig NICHT mein Fach, trotzdem danke für die Hilfe!

Malcolm X acceses the white man of brainwashing the black people. (Was willst du damit sagen?) Ich möchte damit sagen: dass Malcolm X die Weißen anklagt, dass sie die schwarzen maipulieren.

The whites create their own religion which they are teaching blacks. They has twisted his Christianity to live in his heaven on earth. (Völlig unverständlich.)
Will sagen: Die Weißen haben sich ihre eigene Religion gemacht die sie den Schwarzen beibringen, so haben sie die katholische Religion so gedreht (wobei twisted so in der Rede steht) das die weißen wie immer Paradis leben können.

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:52
anklagen heißt aber accuse

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:55
Malcolm X accuses the white people for manipulating the blacks.

By teaching the black people their religion, whites twisted their Catholic religion, so that they can live in paradise forever.

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 18:57
und statt teach würd ich hier vielleicht sogar preach nehmen, aber naja teach geht auch

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2008 - 19:04
damit bekomm ich bestimmt ne gute 3^^
Was für mich ja gut wäre...

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