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Irish Fairies - Irische Feen und Elfen

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und Zusammenfassungen

Irish Fairies

1.)What are Fairies ??? How the Fairies came on earth ???

3 theories
>;W.B.Yeats , famous Irish poet , wrote that Fairies are angels who are banished from heaven by God . Some of them stayed in the sky , others landed on earth and others fell into the ocean .
>;In the Book of Armagh stands that Fairies are old Gods of the earth who were adored by the old Ireland .
>;And the third theory is that Fairies are the last survivors of the prehistoric nation
=>Tuatha de Danaanu<= . These people immigrate from Greece to Ireland and were treated like Gods , but as the Christianity went ahead in Ireland the immigrates went back in her caves .

>;The Fairies are divided into two classes , the first class are the sociable Fairies and the second class are the solitary Fairies .
>;The sociable Fairies are friendly and kindly creatures which make love like men and women do , and you can divide them into two groups . Sheoques are the land Fairies and Merrows are the water Fairies .
>;The solitary Fairies are cold and terrible
3.)Famous sociable Fairies

Merrows: Merrows are Sea-Maids, but there are only two differences between the Merrows and humans. Merrows has got platter feet's than humans and they has got a thin skin between the fingers. A Merrow wear special clothes to float (to move faster in the water) in the water.

4.)Famous solitary Fairies
Shee: The most dangerous Irish Fairy is the Shee , the Shee is divided into two categories: the Watershee and the Landshee . Shee's aren't good in speaking but they can scream very shrill . Both Fairies have the power to make somebody crazy, and if the person is confused he runs back and forth and says stupid things.
The Watershee lives near the coast or near the swamp ( ... ) and she is the meanest Fairy in Ireland . These Fairy is mostly a women and looks like a typical performance of a Fairy . She is small , thin and has wings and one moment later she can be a beautiful woman . The Watershee is a ghost which brings the death . She calls the wanderer to the lake or in the swamps , drowns them and eats her souls .
If you take / wear an holy charm or a cross you are immune against the Watershee.
The Landshee lives in the near of old and deserted buildings , like old farms or mills.
The Leprechaun is the national-goblin of Ireland. They were describe as old and small men who wear green jackets, red knee-trousers, cotton-socks and a hat. A Leprechaun is not taller than a twelve-years old boy. These Goblins live near a river or behind bushes or hedges. Leprechauns sleep in winter and awake in summer. In summer you can hear the Leprechauns because they sit in the country and make shoes. These goblins are often drunken but not so that they can't work. One of the favorite free-time activities of the Leprechaun is riding, but he don't rides a horse, the Leprechaun rides sheep's , goats and sometimes dogs.
In der Arbeit geht es um die Therorien, verschiedener Künstler, wie die elfen/Feen auf die Erde kamen!
Es erfolgt eine Einteilung in Gute und Böse Feen, woraufhin dann jeweils 2 Feen zu jeder Gruppe näher beschrieben werden. (536 Wörter)
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