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Hilfe beim Korrigieren

Frage: Hilfe beim Korrigieren
(6 Antworten)

Hey! Ich hab mal ne Frage: Könntet ihr euch vllt. mal meinen Text durchlesen und möglicherweise korrigieren? Wäre sehr hilfreich:

The police caught a drug dealer
On Friday afternoon was a hard day for the police.
A boy called the police, because he saw a drug dealer who sold drugs in a remote street in a part of town from Berlin. Two police officers called Mike and Kurt decided to drive to the suspicious person. As they arrived there, they saw that the drug dealer ran away. They tried to chase him, but he was too quick. The two men needed help and called their colleagues. The colleagues called Michael and James set a trap for the drug dealer. Michael and James laid faked drugs on the pavement and looked at them. Suddenly the dealer ran through the street. He thought he lost his drugs. and started to pick them up. Mika and Kurt ran to this person and caught him. He got very ugly and attacked Kurt. They started a fight, but Kurt was countern against him. The drug dealer used his gun and shot Kurt in his foot. Kurt cried out. He looked at his knee. It was hurt and there was a lot of blood. It was a severe injury. James called the emergency doctor. The doctor came and took Kurt to the hospital. The other three police officers took the violent person the the police station. They taught him a lesson about the risks of aggravated assault and about the consequences of selling drugs. The drug dealer called Benny said he would have a counsellor who speak for him, but he could do nothing and the police sent Benny to prison. A youth worker helped him to come off the drugs and in nine month Benny can leave the prison.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 15.12.2007 - 12:08

Antwort von GAST | 15.12.2007 - 12:11
gut so wie es ist^^

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Antwort von aysin (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2007 - 12:13
ich finds auch so gut wies ist :=)

Antwort von GAST | 15.12.2007 - 12:15

sind schon 2, die das gut finden... sag mal bist du die die pobs aufm gymi hat? sry wenn ich frage... aysin?

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Antwort von aysin (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2007 - 12:17
jaa ich bins
...sry stimmt eigentlich darf dazu eigentlich nichts sagen , da ich ja im moment probs hab und daher net wissen kann obs stimmt

Antwort von GAST | 15.12.2007 - 13:24
ich finds auch gut^^
nur son paar stellen sind nich so ganz richtig.
1. "On Friday afternoon was a hard day for the police." ..das "on" weg
2. " a remote street in a part of town from Berlin." .. wenn das stadtteil heißen soll würd ich eher sagen "in a remote street in a borough of Berlin"
3. "..they saw that the drug dealer ran away." .."they saw the drug dealer running away"

joar das wars denk ich mal =)

Antwort von GAST | 17.12.2007 - 16:47
merci *jajaichweißdie20zeichen*

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