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Frage: Prüfung - Text überprüfen?!
(4 Antworten)


ich hab diese Woche noch meine Englisch Prüfung und wollte fragen ob sich jemand mal meinen Text ansehen und eventuell verbessern kann:

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31st.

It is a short form oft the English appellation `All Hallows Eve` and it designates the evening before All Saint`s Day.
More than 5000 years ago the Celtic year ended on the night of October 31st. This day was called Samhein. Summer was over now and the dark season started. People thought that those who died the year before came back to the place where they lived.
The dead shouldn`t come together with the living people so the living people put meals and drinks for the undead so as to appease the visitors from the other world.
As a result of the legend of Jack O. originated the Jack O`Lantern. The legend says that Jack O. was a very evil man and in his lifetime he fooled the devil. He was too evil to came to heaven but the devil didn`t want to accept him in hell. So the devil gave him a turnip with a piece glowing carbon so he can march through the darkness between heaven and hell.
So they cut scary faces in turnips that the undead thought in this house already exist a blasted soul.
In the 19th Century Irish immigrants brought this custom to America and it became an important folk festival in Canada and America. The Americans celebrate this festival with much ardor even when it is just the pleasure in the spooky and not to banish bad ghosts.
From America it came to Europe. The European festival is more bright than the American and it isn`t as scary as the American festival.In Germany it became more popular every year, especially with children, because the children masquerade as witches, ghosts, scelletons, vampires and other figures and they go from house to house where they ask for sweets. If they do not get some, the kids play pranks. That is called `trick or treat`.
Typical for halloween is:
The Jack O`Lantern. This is a pumpkin whose top and stem are cut out and funny or scary faces are engraved in it, put down to the Celtic beets that should keep the undead away.Trick or treat, masquerading and halloween partys.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 25.11.2007 - 19:13

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2007 - 20:04
beim ersten überfliegen kann ich nix gravierendes feststellen *lieb guck* xD ich bin zwar nich der super engländer aber meine elf punkte hab ich sicher *lol* aber liest sich auf jeden fall gut =)

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2007 - 20:14
Im 2ten Satz Folgendes: It a short form is often the English name everything hallows Eve` and she determines the evening before the day of all saints.
U. im vorletzten Abschnitt: The European celebration is brighter than that one of the Americans and it isn`t celebration as weird as an American. Germany, desired got vampires particularly with children every year like intellect bewitched, skeletons,...

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2007 - 17:55
Ja, die Sätze sind schonmal falsch, aber mehr würde ich jetzt beim ersten blick auch nicht finden. mit meinem 14 punkten in englisch *auch mal prahlen muss wie der poster vor vor mir ;) *gg*
Muss aber auch ehrlich sagen, dass ich grad zu faul bin den ganzen Text zu lesen :(

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2007 - 18:08
he dead shouldn`t come together with the living people so the living people put meals and drinks for the undead so as to appease the visitors from the other world.

"Living people" .. wenn dann .. alive .. living hört sich richtig komisch an

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