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Brauche Korrekturleser

Frage: Brauche Korrekturleser
(1 Antwort)

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In diesem Text gehts um einen jungen der wegen einem hai seinen arm verliert. ich musste dazu if sätze und past continues sätze machen.könnt ihr bitte gucken ob die sätze richtig sind, denn ich brauche sie sonst kriege ich meine quali für die obertufe nicht.

Pedro: We were having a beach party, and we were all having a great time. My two kids and Dennis, he is their cousin, were playing in the water, only a few metres from the beach. I was drinking a nice cool beer when I heard a scream, then Dennis`s voice. He was shouting, `He`s got me. Get him off me! Get him off!
Pedro: When I heard Dennis screaming, i knew it was a shark attack, so I ran into the water.
I pulled its tail and then this is so terrible while i was pulling, Dennis`s arm came off and he just fell awa, and the shark had his arm in its teeth.
Steven, the lifeguard, was there and he picked Dennis up and carried him to the beach.
I knew that if i wanted to save Dennis`s arm i could not let the shark go, so I pulled it to the beach.
Presenter: And while all this was happening, Margie your wife called the rescue helicopter on her cell phone. Then what?
Pedro: Well, when I pulled the shark onto the beach, Steve killed it, and i got dennis`s arm out of its mouth.
The paramedics were giving Dennis emergency first aid. He wass all white, there was hardly any blood left him.

Past continues:

When Pedro heard Dennis screaming, he ran into the water.
Pedro was drinking a beer when he heard dennis scream.
When Pedro pulled the shark onto the beach, Steve killed it.
Dennis and his cousin`s were playing in the water when a shark attacked dennis.
While Pedro was pulling the shark to the beach, margie called the rescue helicopter.
When the helicopter landed, the paramedics jumped out and gave Dennis emergency first aid.
The accident happened when Dennis was playing in the water.
When Dennis shouted for help, Pedro heard Dennis`s shout and he ran into the water.
When Steve killed the shark, he took the arm from the dead shark´s mouth.
While Pedro was pulling its tail, Dennis´s arm came off and he just fell away.

If sätze:

If PEdro had watched of Dennis, Dennis wouldn´t have lost his arm.
If Pedro hadn´t heard Dennis´s voice, the shark would have killed Dennis.
If Margie hadn´t called the rescue helicopter, Steve or Pedro would have must giving Dennis emergency first aid.
If hadn´t had sharks, Dennis would have two arms.
If the accident hadn´t had, Margie wouldn´t have must called the rescue helicopter.
If Dennis hadn´t played in the water, he wouldn´t have lost his arm.
Frage von ugurjk (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.06.2007 - 21:31

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Antwort von ugurjk (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.06.2007 - 22:23
kann mir garkeiner helfen?

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