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hilfe bei verbesserung meiner summary

Frage: hilfe bei verbesserung meiner summary
(12 Antworten)

Hey =)
ich soll bis morgen ne Summary über des Buch "The Giver" schreiben.
Da ich ne absolute englisch-niete bin, wär es nett, wenn jemand sich des mal durchlesen könnte und meine Fehler mir nennen könnte, da die Hfgs evenutell eingesammelt werden.
Schonmal viiiielen Danke :)

The story is about a young boy called Jonas at the age of eleven. He lives in a perfect organized community where is no crime, voilence or individualistics, only harmony, peace and SAMENESS.
At the twelves birthday every member of the community get a job, which is choose by the Groupe of Elders. Jonas is the one who is selected for the most important job in the community, the Receiver of Memory. A man called only The Giver send Jonas daily some memorys of the past. Jonas cannot understand why in the commuity exist so absurd rules. He want, that every person in the community should know, that colors are, what animals are and so on. The only way to realize this wish, he must leave the community ...
GAST stellte diese Frage am 22.02.2007 - 19:34

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 19:50
keiner mehr lust um diese uhrzeit noch an schule zu denken ?

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 19:54
ganz ehrlich?...nöööö xD

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 19:56
hmm, hast dich auf jeden fall vertiptt :-) voilence=violence

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 19:58
hmm, hast dich auf jeden fall vertiptt :-) voilence=violence

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 19:58
At the twelves birthday every member of the community gets a job, which is choose[u]n[/n] by the Groupe of Elders.

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 20:02
A man called only The Giver sends Jonas daily some memories of the past. Jonas cannot understand why so absurd rules exist in the community. He wants, that every person of the community should know, that colors are, what animals are and so on. The only way to realize this wish, he must leave the community...

bin mir net so sicher bei manchem :-)

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 20:05
The story is about a young boy at the age of eleven who is called Jonas. He lives in a perfect organized community where is no crime, violence or individualistics, only harmony, peace and SAMENESS.

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 20:07
trotzdem VIELEN dank :)

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 20:08
wie gesagt wäre schön, wenn nochmal jemand drüber schaut! Viel Glück :-)

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 20:09
The story is about a young boy called Jonas at the age of eleven. He lives in a perfect organized community where is no crime, voilence or individualistics, only harmony, peace and SAMENESS.
At his twelves birthday every member of the community gets a job, which is choosen by the Groupe of Elders. Jonas is the one who is selected for the most important job in the community, the Receiver of Memory. A man only called `The Giver` send Jonas daily some memorys of the past. Jonas can`t understand why so strange rules exist in the community. He wants that every person in the community should know, what colors are, what animals are and so on. The only way to realize his wish is to leave the community ...

Sooo, bin mal drübergeflogen, etwas ausgebessert, aber inhaltlich vlt noch etwas dünn :)

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 20:10
The story is about a eleven jears old boy called Jonas.


Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2007 - 20:11
wir sollen nur 100 wörter schreiben, da passt inhaltlich nit wirklich viel rein ;)

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