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show me your knowledge of english

Frage: show me your knowledge of english
(7 Antworten)

can you tell me about EU ...:nummer of countries ,history...aims if you know...thanks you so much ..... and love you never:D
GAST stellte diese Frage am 22.04.2006 - 15:02

Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2006 - 15:08
soll denn das?:-)

Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2006 - 15:08
aim=FTA( free trade association,i guess), keep the freedom


Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2006 - 15:09
oh shit, your english is quite bad!
nummer = number
thanks you so much = thank you very much
these are just examples, there are other mistakes, but i`m too lazy to correct them!^^
good luck anyway^^

Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2006 - 15:13

* 19 December 1989 : the EU sets up a programme known as Phare, for providing financial and technical assistance to the countries of central and eastern Europe.
* 3 and 16 July 1990 : Cyprus and Malta apply for EU membership.
* 22 June 1993 : the Copenhagen European Council lays down the criteria for joining the European Union.
* 31 March and 5 April 1994 : Hungary and Poland apply for EU membership.
* 1995 : applications received from Slovakia (21 June), Romania (22 June), Latvia (13 October), Estonia (24 November), Lithuania (8 December) and Bulgaria (14 December).
* 1996 : applications received from the Czech Republic (17 January) and Slovenia (10 June).
* 12-13 December 1997 : the Luxembourg European Council decides to launch the enlargement process.
* 10-11 December 1999 : the Helsinki European Council confirms that accession talks will be held with 12 candidate countries. Turkey is considered to be a candidate country “destined to join the Union”.
* 13 December 2002 : the EU reaches agreement with 10 candidate countries that they can join on 1 May 2004.
* 16 April 2003 : the 10 accession treaties are signed in Athens.
* 1 May 2004 : the 10 new member states join the EU.
* 18 June 2004 : Croatia is accepted as candidate country
* 17 December 2004 : decision on whether to start accession talks with Turkey by October 2005.
* 25 April 2005 : Bulgaria and Romania sign accession treaties in Luxembourg
* 2007 : the year set by the Copenhagen European Council for Bulgaria and Romania to become EU members.

Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2006 - 15:14
members:Austria,Belgium,CyprusCzech ,Republic ,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,
Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,The Netherlands,United Kingdom,
Liechtenstein,Moldova,Monaco,Norway,Russia,Serbia and
Montenegro,Switzerland,Ukrainian,Vatican Cit

i guess


Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2006 - 15:14
ach du lieber himmel - ist ja schrecklich... DEIN wissen von englisch geht gegen null...

Antwort von GAST | 22.04.2006 - 15:15
*g* well, i guess orlean just ruled the thread. poor schnatterer... better you`ll get you the book "how to learn english by only knowing 500 words of vocabulary"... maybe it`ll help

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