Englisch Arbeit... wenn einer Lust hat zu helfen
Frage: Englisch Arbeit... wenn einer Lust hat zu helfen(18 Antworten)
Ich habe ein grosses Problem, ich kann einfach kein Englisch, also so Texte schreiben, ich hab die letzte Arbeit schon voll verkackt obwohl ich die vorher hatte und vorgeschrieben hab. jetzt habe ich die arbeit die ich am mittwoch schreibe auch schon vorher und ich brauch jetzt wirklich hilfe um die andere note auszugleichen... alleine werde ich das nicht schaffen. also ist jetzt zwar voll dreist sowas zu verlangen aber wenn jemand lust hat wenigstens eine aufgabe zu lösen wäre das echt supernett, sonst muss ich mich eben mit der 6 abfinden also hier jetzt erstmal der Text ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Top Ten Technologies: #4: Practical Robots Practical robots offer tremendous potential for enhancing the quality of life for humans everywhere. The robotics industry is emerging now, and progress is steady. The world leader in robotics is Japan, which has invested heavily in social robots -- robots that interact with people. The United States, in contrast, is focused primarily on robots that kill people. The vast majority of robotics research in the U.S. is underwritten by military interests. The Pentagon essentially wants to develop a Terminator: a battlefield robotic soldier that can accomplish political or military objectives without resulting in human casualties that cause troublesome dissent back home. Once again, we see that a promising area of technology can be both constructive and destructive, depending entirely on the intent of its creators. For this section, however, I will focus on the far more peaceful Japanese approach to robots, because this is the area that holds promise for enhancing the lives of human beings. Social robots already exist Early social robots are already on the market: AIBO, Japan`s cute robotic dog, is owned by more than fifty thousand people. AIBO offers basic interaction with humans such as face and voice recognition, cute-looking movements, and simple environmental navigation (it can walk around). In the U.S., the household robot Roomba (developed by a Russian researcher, by the way) sweeps the floors of hundreds of thousands of homes. Roomba is one of the first few practical robots to be widely available, and it is, indeed, rather useful. I own one myself. However, its interactive capabilities are extremely limited. It has no vision system, for example, no voice recognition, and seems to operate more on random walk theory than any sort of intelligent navigation pattern. The real promise in robotics will come from humanoid robots, most likely from Japan. Honda, Toyota and Sony are all working hard on humanoid robots and have working, walking prototypes right now. Why humanoid? As humans, we`ve created environments built for humanoid creatures. Our physical environments (cities, houses, stores, etc.) have been constructed for the convenience of people with a certain height, a certain eye level, and a certain stride length. As humanoid robots are developed, the more easily they can navigate our environments the more helpful they can be to humans. It is the "helpful" category in which humanoid robots offer the greatest promise. At a basic level, these robots promise to free us from physical labor (factory work) and household chores such as doing the dishes, taking out the trash, folding laundry, cooking, etc. This alone, as gimmicky as it may seem, would free people from time-consuming chores. (None of these chores are simple from a robotics point of view, by the way. The technology needed for robots to engage in such tasks is still many years away.) Such robots would probably never be cheap to build, but they will quickly pay for themselves in terms of reclaimed time for their owners. A professional earning $100,000 / year, for example, might easily waste $25,000 / year worth of her time handling household chores that could be managed by a practical household robot. If the robot costs $50,000, the payoff would be just two years. That`s makes a $50,000 robot a reasonable investment for most professionals. Robotic companions Practical robots will no doubt start out as workers or "practical assistants." But this is only the beginning. The next level up, in terms of enhancing the quality of life of humans, is for robots to serve as companions. Are you the parent of an only child? A companion robotic pet or robotic child could teach your child a lot about social interaction, responsibility, friendship, and even help the child learn academic subjects like mathematics, reading, history, literature and science. Are you a lonely retiree? A robotic companion could add a lot to your life through conversations, games, physical activity, and coaching. You see, robotic companions won`t argue, won`t betray you, won`t divorce you, won`t die, won`t fall asleep when you want to talk, and they won`t even eat the favorite food out of your refrigerator. As humorous as these points may sound, they are serious considerations for companionship. In time, many humans may choose robot companions over human friends for these (and other) reasons. ---------------------------------------------------------------- UND AB HIER DIE AUFGABEN 1. What is the difference between robotic research in Japan an the USA? 2. Describe one example of each, a social robot and a robotic companion and their advantages. 3. Can you think of any disadvantages as well? 4. Which of the robots mentioned here could you imagine to be part of your life and/or could imagine any other use/type of such robots? |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 03.04.2006 - 22:32 |
Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2006 - 22:43 |
die Japaner wollen die Roboter für soziale Zwecke, die Amis um Menschen damit zu töten ... Öhm, sry, ich habe nur die ersten drei Sätze gelesen.. muss selber noch AUfgaben machen..sonst würde ich dir helfen |
Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2006 - 22:46 |
nich schlimm, vielleicht hast du ja morgen ein bissi zeit, wäre voll cool, aber auch nicht schlimm wenn nicht ![]() |
Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2006 - 22:47 |
Japan - The Japanese people look for social robots, which can help in they in their everyday life USA - The American people look for robots, which the human can use for example in wars Social robot - Frees the people from the most of physical labour Robotic companion - Could help you with the education of your child 3. The robots could start to make their own thing and the human could`t control this (look Terminator III) 4. I could imagine a nice robot which helps me to do my househood By the way, der Text ist mega einfach... |
Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2006 - 22:48 |
Warum kriegt ihr eigentlich eure Texte immer vor der Arbeit? |
Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2006 - 22:52 |
gib den text doch einfach mal bei google ein da gibts doch son übersetzungs programm das alles übersertzt *g* |
Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2006 - 22:58 |
wir haben die arbeiten immer vorher weil die lehrerin jedes jahr die gleichen arbeiten nimmt und wir die von anderen schülern haben, dadurch haben wir bei der letzten arbeit gesehen das diese lehrerin eine total oberflächliche notengebung hat, weil einer aus meiner klasse war so dreist und hat die arbeit von einer schülerin des letzten jahres wortwörtlich abgeschrieben, nur sie hatte ne 2+ bekommen und er eine 4... das kann ja irgendwie nicht so sein und das problem bei mir ist auch nicht die sache mit dem textverständnis, nur ich kann nicht so richtig ausholen, ich kann das auch in deutsch nicht, so richtig ausführlich schreiben. ich mach da immer so kurz 1-2 sätze und dadurch verhau ich mir das... |
Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2006 - 22:59 |
3) Schreibe, dass mögliche Nachteile wären, dass alles total unpersönlich wird usw ..stell dir mal vor, du gehst zu Arzt und anstatt einer hübschen Sprechstundenhilfe sitzt da ein Roboter O___o |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 14:10 |
guter zeitpunkt zum pushen grad ![]() |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 16:55 |
krass, so viele leute grad online ^^ |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 17:00 |
also, heut bin ich echt zu faul um das alles zu lesen... du hast doch geschriebn, du kannst keine texte schreibn auf englisch aber textverständnis geht eh,oda? dann schreib einfach was du auf deutsch schreibn würdest und beim übersetzen helf ich gern... |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 17:02 |
wieso machste dattte net selber? |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 22:23 |
ok, nochmal vielen dank an Brian18 der mir auf deutsch geholfen hat, jetzt bräuchte ich nur jemand der mal über das englische drüber guckt, weil das echt katastrophal ist. wäre echt saunett ![]() 1. The difference between the robots in Japan and those of the Usa is, that in Japan robots are built for the everyday use, for example social projects. In the USA they built war robots, however, robots are also built for the household, (example: vacuum cleaner). The war robots serve for the application in (problemgebieten) to protect the life of own soldiers. 2. Advantages of the social robot (Japan) are, that they could help older people, in addition, they make the work easier and could decrease a lot. Robotic companions can help with the right (erziehung) of the children and inform them also. The robots of the Usa are well to protect lives of the people. So the risk is not so high anymore that the soldiers die in the war, and there is no more desaster like in Vietnam. 3. Everything becomes absolutely impersonal, people could be substituted with the robots from Japan, and therefore the unemployment could rise rapidly. In addition, it could happen that the robots do mistakes and suddenly this live of a person endanger, how by (kurzschluss) of the switching circuits! Indeed, the companion`s robots could take from us the education, but also take from us that role of the parents, it would build up none right (beziehung) to the parents! Disadvantages of the American robots are, that it could lead to that the wars only by robot are led, that means ships, airplanes, tanks are steered by robots, and it could come to to bigger (zerstörungen) than by people! |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 22:33 |
büdde büdde *hundeblickaufsetz* iss voll wichtig |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 22:36 |
Hey Leute seid mal sozial und helft ihm, ich habe das schon alles auf deutsch gemacht... Würde das ja auch noch machen, wenn ich net höllische schmerzen hätte und total auf tablette währe! |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 22:57 |
keiner noch online der wenigstens ein bisschen englisch kann? meins iss wirklich soooo schlecht |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 23:26 |
1. The difference between the robots in Japan and those of the Usa is, that in Japan robots are built for the everyday use, for example social projects. In the USA they built war robots, however, robots are also built for the household, (example: vacuum cleaner).--> der Satz hört sich meiner Meinung nach nicht so gut an ... sag doch : In the USA they build , besides the robotots which coul help in the household(the vakuum cleaner is an example)war robots as well ..weiß nicht, ob mein Satz korrekt ist^^ The war robots serve for the application in (problemgebieten) to protect the lives of the soldiers. 2. Advantages of the social robot (Japan) are that they could help older people, in addition --> was soll das addition hier? gut, das heißt hinzufügend oder so, aber das passt hier nicht so, oder? , they make the work easier and could decrease it a lot. Robotic companions can help with the right education of children and inform them also.(Robotic companions could help to educate people and to inform the about new techniques/technology?) The robots of the Usa are good to protect lives of the people. They could limit the risk for soldiers to die /amount of dieing soldiers(wtf? wie das?). So they are able to prevent such things like the war inVietnam. 3. In my eyes, robots have many disadvantages. Everything becomes absolutely impersonal, people could be substituted with the robots from Japan, and therefore the unemployment could rise rapidly. In addition, it could happen that the robots make mistakes : the life of a person could be endangered(gibts das Wort?) if the robot has a short circuit. Indeed, the companion`s robots could take from us the education(was willst du damit sagen? sowas wie : von der Erziehung erleichtern), but also take from us that role of the parents, it would build up none right education) to the parents! Schreib doch sowas wie : They could destroy the relationship between people when everthing becomes superficial and impersonal. Disadvantages of the American robots are, that it could lead to that the wars only by robot are led, that means ships, airplanes, tanks are steered by robots, and it could come to to bigger (zerstörungen) than by people! Disadvantages of the american robots are that there is a higher risk of destruction and devastation when all ships, airplanes,tanks and so on are steered by them. Ach, wat weiß ich .. mein Englisch ist auch nicht dolle... Ich wollte dir nur eine Antwort geben :) |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 23:56 |
naja waren doch ein paar gute verbesserungen dabei ![]() danke schön |
Antwort von GAST | 04.04.2006 - 23:58 |
Hehe da hat ja noch jemand geholfen! Basti, jetzt kann ja nichts mehr schief gehen! |
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