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Diagramm beschreiben: Korrigieren bitte

Frage: Diagramm beschreiben: Korrigieren bitte
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 4
In the following text I will describe a diagram.
This diagram is a pie chart. The data are in percent. The author and the sources are not known. The pie chart deals with Amphibian extinction crisis in America from 2018. The indications are from dark red ( extinct ) to white ( data deficient ) .Between dark red and white is red (Extinct in the wild), light red (critically endangered), pink (endangered), yellow (vulnerable), green (near threatened) and dark green (least concern).The pie chart shows the percentage of the different categorizations relative to the total species number of 5,915. All colors are added in the pie chart. Extinct and extinct in the wild are shown with the same color (red) because 1 of 5915 would not be recognizable. So as already said the total number of species is 5915. How it is with the extinct and extinct in the wild I had already described. This is followed by the proportion of threatened with extinction in light red. The proportion is in diagram 8% (=455 )of 100% ( =5915). The next is endangered in pink. The next is endangered in pink .The proportion is 13% (=768). After that comes threatened in yellow. There are almost as many as endangered. The share of threatened species is 11% (=670). For Low Threatened in green the proportion is 6% =(369). The last are the non-endangered species with 38%( =2236). The rest can not be defined for lack of data the proportion is 23% (= 1384).
It´s sad that in total 23% (=1.928) of 5.915 amphibians are extinct, very endangered or endangered. It is important to note that 23% is not calculated due to lack of data. We should protect the animals more instead of living so selfishly and hardly taking care of them.
Frage von Sabrina202 | am 17.01.2021 - 06:58

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 17.01.2021 - 13:57
Wo ist das Diagramm? Das braucht man um deinen Text zu korrigieren.

Oder geht es nur um Rechtschreibung und Grammatik?
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