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Magona, Sindiwe - Please, take photographs: Analyse?

Frage: Magona, Sindiwe - Please, take photographs: Analyse?
(1 Antwort)

Hallo 👋🏻,
ich habe ein Problem und zwar weiß ich nicht wie ich dieses Gedicht inhaltlich zusammenfassen soll.
Ich verstehe zwar alles und weiß auch, dass es sich um Aids handelt. Allerdings weiß ich nicht wie ich die einzelnen Strophen inhaltlich zusammenfassen soll? Außerdem finde ich als rhetorische Mittel nur anaphora oder alliteration und das in jeder Strophe, aber ich kann es doch nicht in jeder Strophe sagen, dass da anaphora zu finden ist oder? Was will die Dichterin mit den rhetorischen Mitteln überhaupt aussagen?
Im Internet findet man leider nichts zum Gedicht.

Go to the nearest or cheapest electronic goods store
And there, buy cameras by the score.
Hurry! Go! Go! Go!
Then go home; gather your family and
Take photographs of them all
Especially the children; especially, the young,
Hurry! Take photos of them all
Before it is too late
Take photographs of the children
Take photographs of them playing
Take photographs of them crying
Take photographs of them reading their best books
Or doing their chores – but –
Hurry! Hurry! Before it is too late
Take photos of the children kneeling, busy at cat’s cradle
Take photos of them naked and dancing in the rain
Take photos of them fast asleep in their cozy beds
Take photos of them in their school uniforms; their Sunday
best, or ragged day dress.
But, please, hurry and take photos of the children,
Before it is too late
Before all the children are gone –
Before the promise that is their life
Is snuffed, easily as candlelight.
Your sons, so fearless, call sex with condoms
Eating candy with the wrapper on.
Perhaps their coffins they’ll call castles
The ant and worm their company, slaves who do their
Please, take photographs, and tell the children why –
Take photos, before the young perish to the very last.
Take photographs! Take photographs, and put them on the
So the image of the dear face will forever live on.
I know, small comfort is a picture, your son or daughter
Cold is a photo, from it comes not warmth for smile nor
A photo does not laugh; it will not go to the shop for you
Or be solace in your old age.
But, take photographs! Take photographs
So on birthdays and other days of remembrance
You can point to the picture on the wall and say
Vusi would’ve been thirty today, perhaps with a
Young one and another on the way
Take photos, take photos, before all the children are gone.
Before our tomorrow is no more –
Halved, at best, by the plague that comes with love;
Helped by the children who will not believe their
Dying – and men whose bones grew ever up,
The feet and inches, from the ground, sprouting.
Men who escaped the meaning of the passage of the years.
Who shot up, went to school – some;
But escaped the meaning so Social Responsibility.
To such souls, respect, respectable, respectability,
Are long dead; forget morality!
Doomed, despicable, craven images of humanity.
Please, hurry! Take photographs of all the children, now!
Take photos, for tomorrow they will be gone.
Take photos! Take photos of the children…
Children who will not see thirty.
Children who will never …grow…old.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 07.04.2019 - 20:04

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Antwort von matata | 07.04.2019 - 21:15
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