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Frage: Bitte Englisch-HÜ verbessern
(2 Antworten)

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Child beauty contest ? no thanks!

Beauty contest for children should be without the fake things, like, hair extensions, fake eyelashes or spray tan. Because these are small children and they should enjoy their life. A ‘normal’ child contest could be good, because qualities and skills are tested. For example they have to learn how to speak in front of all the people and to be self-confident. And fitness and discipline is needed to. Because to participate in an child contest you have to be for example athletic.

A child beauty contest can effects on a child as well. Because losing a beauty contest can also cause to lose confidence and come away with a negative outlook in the whole experience. The other point is that they are not mature enough to handle things the way adults can. The dramatic part is that they also can get depressive too. Therefore I cannot understand how parents can handle this with their mind and heard.

I would support such contest in Europe even it is definitely not about BEAUTY. Because these are small children and all this fake things on their skin are unhealthy and destroy their skin. The most important thing is to enjoy what you are doing, without it being extra stressful. Therefore I would even support child contest in Europe if the children are allowed to show their talent, even matter what for talent they have and enjoy it.
Frage von Bianca112 | am 26.05.2017 - 21:47

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Antwort von Ratgeber | 27.05.2017 - 00:13
Child beauty contest? No, thanks!

Beauty contest for children should be without fake things, like hair extensions, false eyelashes or spray tanning.
Because those are small children and they should enjoy their life. A ‘normal’ child contest could be good, because qualities and skills are tested. For example, they have to learn how to speak in front of all the people and to be self-confident. Fitness and discipline are needed too, because participating in a child contest demands athletics.

A child beauty contest may be harmful to a child as well. Because losing a beauty contest may cause the loss of selfconfidence accompanied by a negative outlook in the whole experience. The other point is that they are not mature enough to handle things the way adults can. The dramatic part is that they also can get depressive. Therefore I cannot understand how parents can handle this with their mind and heart.

I would (Du meinst wohl eher: I wouldn’t) support such contest in Europe even it is definitely not about BEAUTY. Because those are small children and all these fake things on their skin are unhealthy and destroy it. The most important thing is to enjoy what you are doing, without being extra stressful to yourself.

Beiträge 7
Antwort von Bianca112 | 27.05.2017 - 14:05
Vielen lieben Dank :**

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