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Albanian Cuisine | Englisch Referat bitte korrigieren!

Frage: Albanian Cuisine | Englisch Referat bitte korrigieren!
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Albanian Cuisine

Hello, today i want to tell you something about the albanian cuisine.
Albania is a state in Southeast Europe or on Balkan Peninsula . He b orders in the north on Montonegro and Kosovo , in the east in Macedonia and in the south in Greece . The natural west b order is formed by the coasts of the adriatic and the ionian sea by which the country counts to the b ordering states of the Mediterranean Sea . About 3.196 million people lives in Albania. The albanian cuisine is the national cuisine of the albanian people.

In Albania the meals are only opened with the set ´per te mire´( that means enjoy your meal) and at the end of the meal you have to say ´zoti e shtofte´ (that means may god multiply it) , while the others return ´te befte mire´ (that means it shall be good for you ) . The albanian cuisine is often substantial with a lot of butter and oil. It is deepfried a lot. They use a huge number of grains, such as wheat,barley and rye. But they use different vegetables , such as cucumber, paprica, spinach and cabbage too. Potatoes, rice and beans are ingridients of many dishes. Meat is always served as an addition. The most used meat is chicken. Other types of meat such as cattle, veal, goat and lamb play a big role in the daily albanian diet too. Depending on denomination is pork also used. Almost every dish is eaten in addition with bread in Albania. Sheep´s milk cheese is also eaten regulary and because of its good taste is often passed as a side dish. Besides that the albanian cuisine is a part oft he balkan cuisine too and shows oriental influence on the sweet desserts. For example tollumba (thats fried dough pieces in syrup) , Bakllava ( thats a Mediterranean dessert made with Phyllo dough, nuts, butter, and sugar) or Trileqe ( Thats a cake made with three types of milk).The Nationaldishes are „Fli“ , „Pite“ , „Qebapa“ , and „Pasul“. „Pasul“ is a stew with white beans. „Fli“ is a packed pasta with yoghurt filling. „Qebapa“ are beef and lamb ground meat from the charocal grill. „Pite“ is a stuffed puff pustry. The individual thing on „Pite“ and „Fli“ is that you have to eat them instead of any cutlery with your hands. Albanian People are also a big fan from their „speca turrshi“, that are homemade pickled peppers .

The special tea , called „Qaj“ is also popular in Albania. If you are in Albania, u will drink it every day after the breakfast and the dinner. The albanian „Qaj“ is a black tea which is cooked with two special teapots. Also interesting are the little tea glasses with which the tea is served in Albania. Typical drinks for adults are ´Raki rrushi´ (thats a grape schnapps) , ´Raki mani ´ ( thats a mulberry brandy) and ´Konjak skenderbeu´ (a traditonal albanian brandy), because in albania has been a rich wine-growing culture for centuries, but it is not so known in foreign countries. Worth mentioning is the albanian Hospitality. So if you ever will visit an albanian Family, you can be sure that they will offer you over and over again a second serving.
Frage von Bedri3 | am 04.12.2016 - 14:13

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