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Präsentation 5-10 Minuten

Frage: Präsentation 5-10 Minuten
(2 Antworten)

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Hallo an alle.

Ich gehe zwar nicht mehr zur Schule aber ich mach mit 24 Jahre eine Umschulung .
Wir haben auch das Fach Englisch, einmal die Woche 8h (ingesamt ca. 80 Stunden)

Jetzt zum Schluss sollen wir einen Vortrag bzw. eine Präsentation zu einem beliebigen Thema verfassen. Das ganze soll max. 10 Minuten dauern und wir sollen das freie Sprechen üben dabei.

Leider war Englisch in der Schule nicht so meins und habe Probleme in Englisch frei zu sprechen. Habt Ihr Tipps?

Nun habe ich mich für das Thema "Schottische Küch und Esskultur" entschieden und mein Vortrag schon soweit fertig.

Aber ich bräuchte mal jemanden der da drüber schaut und eventuelle Tipps oder Kritik geben kann.

"Scottish cuisine and the culinary culture

In my presentation is about of Scottish cuisine and the culinary culture in Scotland. I`ll introduce you to various specialties and food.

The Scottish cuisine is much more than "Haggis" and whiskey. There are many such as freshly caught seafood and the best-known Aberdeen Angus beef.
Aberdeen Angus beef:
· The meat of the Aberdeen Angus Cattle must depend at least 8 weeks for the best taste.
· The meat of Scottish Angus beef is of strong red color, close-grained, nicely marbled and also after the roast tender and juicy. Our Black Angus Beef comes from the vast pasture landscape of Scotland.
Even red deer, pheasant and Crazy Chicken come on the menu of the Scots. A fish specialty is the "crapped Heids". Haddock head with chopped lobster.
Haggis is a specialty from the Scottish cuisine and consists of the stomach of a sheep, called paunch, that is filled with heart, liver, lung, kidney fat sheep, onions and oatmeal. Haggis is spiced with pepper, and the oatmeal adds a slightly heavier consistency than sausage.
The Scottish breakfast includes cereal, fried eggs, sausages, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, liver or blood sausage.
In some superior guesthouses sometimes even steaks, salmon and scrambled eggs are served.
In addition to Whiskey much black tea is drunk and also Scottish coffee (with whiskey).
In bars and pubs beer is mainly drunk.

I think Scotland has a traditional yet elegant cuisine.
So if you like beer, whiskey and good beef is in good hands in Scotland."
Frage von daku591 | am 04.12.2015 - 22:21

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Antwort von JumpstyleGirl (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.12.2015 - 15:40
Hallo daku591

Es haben sich ein paar kleinere grammatikalische Fehler eingeschlichen.
1. In my presentation is about of Scottish cuisine and the culinary culture in Scotland.
besser wäre:
Hello and welcome to my little presentation about the Scottish cuisine and the culinary culture in Scotland.
2.There are many such as freshly caught seafood and the best-known Aberdeen Angus Beef.
Besser wäre:
The Scottish kitchen is very varied. For example,
a lot of different, freshly caught seafood is prepared. The best known food of the Scots is the meat of the Aberdeen Angus...
Und ein paar weitere...
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Viel Erfolg!

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 05.12.2015 - 16:30
The meat of the Aberdeen Angus Cattle must depend at least 8 weeks for the best taste.

Du meinst: Das Fleisch muss abhängen / gelagert werden.

Das treffende Wort heisst hier : to hang
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