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Englisch Referat über Sia

Frage: Englisch Referat über Sia
(5 Antworten)

Beiträge 18
Hey Leute :) Ich habe demnächst eine Probe Eurokom und brauche eure Hilfe! Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar wenn ihr mir meinen Text erbessert könntet und mir Tipps geben könntet indem ich mein Text länger hinbekomme,denn ich glaube nicht das dies 5 minuten sind :(

Hello and welcome to my presentation about sia.
Sia Kate Isobelle Furler was born on December 18, 1975 in a little village in south Australia. She is an Australian singer and songwriter, and become famous with her collaboration with David Guetta. Her family are also really musically. Her parents were members in a band called the soda jerks and this was a rockabilly band.
Sia was from 1996 to 1997 in a band called crisps, she also just stayed there for only one year. After she leaved the band she moved to great Britain to continue her solo career. In London she signed her first record contract and in the same year she published her first album called healing is difficult. Her album was mixed by jazz, R&B and was international known. A lots of people liked her voice because it was special but some people dislike her. today it’s the same, because Sia has not the typical voice, its al little bit dark and rough but I like her voice very much.
2011 she created together with the famous DJ David Guetta the single Titanium and got good feedback from people all around the world. Her current album called this is acting, and in her music videos is always a little 14 girl dancing. Her name is Maddie Ziegler and got famous since she dance for Sia. Her dance style is a little bit different and special but looks really interesting.
Sia is my favorite singer, i really like her voice because it´s diffrent and also I like that she gives not so many personal Informations about her private life.
Frage von Susi47 | am 06.10.2016 - 18:51

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 06.10.2016 - 20:54
Fehler und Ergänzungen sind rot und Kommentare grün markiert:

Hello and welcome to my presentation about Sia (Namen und Eigennamen immer groß schreiben!) . Sia Kate Isobelle Furler was born on December 18,
1975 in a little village (Geburtsort lt. Wikipedia Adelaide, mit über 1 Mio. Einwohner mit Sicherheit kein “little village”) in South Australia (Himmelsrichtungen werden zur Bezeichnung von Gebieten groß geschrieben) . She is an Australian singer and songwriter, and became famous by her collaboration => besser cooperation with David Guetta. Her family also is (bezogen auf die Familie) really musical (Adjektiv, Beschreibung die Eigenschaft der Familie; musically wäre Adverb) . Her parents were members in a band called The Soda Jerks (Eigenname!) which was a rockabilly band.

From 1996 to 1997 Sia was member (Satzstellung) in a band called Crisps ( Eigenname!). After the band split up in 1997 she moved to Great Britain ( Eigenname!) to continue her solo career. In London she signed her first record contract in 2000 and in the same year she published her first album (sicher? Wikipedia gibt das als 2. Album an) called Healing is Difficult. Her album was mixed by jazz, R&B (Rhythm & Blues für die Unwissenden…) and became internationally known. (Du meintest: wurde international bekannt?)
(Zur Auswahl: Lots …, A lot …, A great number ...) of people liked her voice because it was outstanding but some people disliked her. Today it’s the same, because Sia does not have the typical voice, it’s a little bit dark and rough, but I like her voice very much.

2011, together with the famous DJ David Guetta, she created the single Titanium, which even accomplished the top ten of record charts in the United States, Australia and several European countries .
Her current album called This is Acting (Eigenname!) , and in her music videos is always a little 14 girl dancing <=> das verstehe ich nicht ganz, was soll das bedeuten?
The name of the actor is Maddie Ziegler who became famous since she danced for Sia. Her dance style is a little bit different and special but it looks really interesting.
Sia is my favorite singer, I’m really fond of her voice because it’s different and also I like that she doesn’t give so many personal informations about her private life.

Zum Verfahren: übe das mal vor einem Spiegel und stoppe die Zeit dabei. Sollte dann doch noch der eine oder andere Lückenfüller fehlen, schau hier mal bei Wikipedia rein (wähle bei Sprache Englisch) und picke Dir da das Eine oder Andere noch raus.

Beiträge 18
Antwort von Susi47 | 08.10.2016 - 12:47
Hallo und ein großes DANKESCHÖN für die schnelle und hilfreiche Antwort :) zum Teil mit der 14 Jährigen Tänzerin meinte ich das Maddie Ziegler in den Musik Videos von Sia immer tanzen tut und durch diese Videos auch bekannt geworden ist.

Beiträge 18
Antwort von Susi47 | 08.10.2016 - 13:28
Hello and welcome to my presentation about Sia. Sia Kate Isobelle Furler was born on December 18, 1975 in Adelaide in South Australia. She is an Australian singer and songwriter, and became famous by her collaboration with David Guetta. Her family is also really musical. Her parents were members in a band called “The Soda Jerks” which was a rockabilly band.
From 1996-1997 Sia was member in a band called Crisps, she also just stayed there for only one year. After the band split up in 1997 she moved to Great Britain to continue her solo career. In London she signed her first record contract in 2000 and in the same year she published her first album called Healing is Difficult. Her album was mixed by jazz, R&B and became internationality known. A great number of people liked her voice because it was outstanding but some people disliked her. Today it’s the same because Sia does not have the typical voice, it´s a little bit dark and rough but I like her voice very much. A characteristic of Sia is her hair. It´s half white and half black. Her hair is the first think that comes to my mind if I think at her.
2011, together with the famous DJ David Guetta, she created the single Titanium, which even accomplished the top ten of records charts in the United States, Australia and several European countries. Her current album called “This is Acting”, and in her music videos is always a little 14 girl dancing. The name of the actor is Maddie Ziegler she is an American dancer, actress and model who became famous since she danced for Sia. Her dance style is a little bit different and special but it looks really interesting. From 2014-2016 she started to dance in five music videos for Sia, including chandelier and elastic heart. Sia is my favorite singer, I’m really fond of her voice because it’s different and also I like that she doesn’t give so many personal information’s about her private life. And I also like her song lyrics, because it´s always really poetic and haves a lot of meaning. Thanks for your attention.

Hier hab ich es noch etwas definiert, da meine Sprechzeit nur ca. 2 Minuten und 20 sek. beträgt.. es ist ziemlich kurz geworden aber es gibt einfach nicht so viel über Sia zu berichten, da sie lieber im Schatten der Gesellschaft bleibt, deshlab hab ich noch etwas über Maddie hinzugefügt.
In meiner präsentation werde ich jedoch noch ein Lied von ihr anhöhren lassen und mit meinem Plakat arbeiten, da komme ich ungeföhr auf 3 min 30sek...

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 08.10.2016 - 18:05
Dann ist es so jetzt ok

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 12.10.2016 - 18:37
Susi47 schrieb auch

Hey Leute. Ich wäre euch echt dankbar wenn ihr mir paar kreative Plakat Ideen da lässt, denn ich möchte kein 0815 Plakat, jedoch fällt mir nicht ein.. Und zwar werde ich eine Englisch Präsentation im Niveau der Eurokom halten und mein Thema ist Sia. Danke im Voraus :)

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