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What would Happen if you stopped using whatsapp and facebook

Frage: What would Happen if you stopped using whatsapp and facebook
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 1
Hallo:) Könnte jmd bitte mir diese Frage auf englisch beantworten? What would happen if you stopped using whatsapp and Facebook?
Währe echt nett danke❤
Frage von Felifun | am 03.09.2016 - 11:24

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 03.09.2016 - 13:25
Mach einmal einen Lösungsvorschlag dazu, dann können wir deinen Satz korrigieren.
Ich nehme nämlich an, dass du nach deiner eigenen Meinung gefragt wurdest...
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 3
Antwort von Hatehomework | 04.09.2016 - 18:36
If i would stop using whatsapp my life would change completly and it might even be good for the world. We would start again to talk to each other. I mean does anyone wait for the bus and get new people known? No! Because everyone is on their phone and can`t be bodered to start a conversation. Or does anyone still goes to the neighbours house and ask the kid if he just have some time for you to play? Even when you meet up with people it seems like they don`t know how to find each other. You just send them your standing point and your friend finds you with googlemaps. And I`m sure it can be really helpful but do we really want this? Sit next to each other but instead of talking to write over whatsapp? It is so easy to hack into that system and inminutes someone has a complete profile of you. Knows you better than you could ever just because you write over whatsapp.

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