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Cartoon: Bildbeschreibung bitte kontrollieren

Frage: Cartoon: Bildbeschreibung bitte kontrollieren
(8 Antworten)

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Danke im voraus☺

In the cartoon you can see a country with many dark clouds.
There is also many birds who are flying. The country looks like desert. There are few green areas. In the right hand side you can see an old fashion industry which stands on four pillards who say "t-shirts Bangladesh". In this county there are many people. In the left hand side you can see a car with a lot of t-shirts on his trailer. The car is connected to a rope with the factory. And ultimately the smoke from the car is very dark.

From my point of view, the scene happens in Bangladesh because it stand on top of factory ond because the working condition of workers shows very poor. Because of the clouds there is a dark weather because it is much more produced and deliveded and it has an influence on the weather because it creates a lot of smoke. And you can see that there is almost no green area anymore.
It shows taht this country provides a cheap labor because people under some circumstunces are poor in bangladesh. This people have to work and because that they are exploited. Althought they work very much and much produce paid very little and this people can do nothing against.
That the car transports many t-shirts shows that there is much produced specifically for the other. The building is connected to the car and which is also a sign that these people have to work for others in exporting countries.

In my personal opinion I think the cartoon is scary because it shows the truth as the people exploited. And also I agree with the author of the cartoon because it`s still a oresent Situation. For me it is very sad that people have to work so much in order to earn some money to. Above all, the environment also harms their health. I think these people could earn more because it is very much transported. And also so that small children can go to school. Many children can not go to school because they have to bring money home. But if the parents have enough money, the children can go to school or as normal as any other children playing in the street. These people should be able to also live a social need to work outside.
Frage von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | am 01.05.2016 - 17:55

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Antwort von matata | 01.05.2016 - 18:27
Wo kann man den Cartoon sehen? Du kannst ihn entweder einstellen als Bild oder einen Link ins nächste Antwortfeld stellen.
Trägt er einen Titel oder kennst du den Zeichner?
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Antwort von Helena42 | 01.05.2016 - 19:00
Ein paar klitzekleine Fehler :)

In the cartoon you can see a country with many dark clouds. There is are also many birds who which are flying. The country looks like a desert. There are few green areas. In the right hand side you can see an old fashion industry which stands on four pillards who say with the inscription "t-shirts Bangladesh". In this country there are many people. In the left hand side you can see a car with a lot of t-shirts on his trailer. The car is connected to a rope with the factory. And ultimately The smoke from the car is very dark.

From my point of view,
the scene happens in Bangladesh because it stand on top of factory ond because the working conditions of the workers shows seem very poor. Because of the clouds there is a dark weather because it is much more produced and deliveded and it has an influence on the weather because it creates a lot of smoke. Clouds are formed owing to the large amount of produced smoke in the factory.(Ich hoffe ich habe deinen Satz richtig verstanden.) And in addition you can see that there is almost no green area anymore.
It shows taht that this country provides a cheap labor because people under some circumstunces are poor in Bangladesh. (Sorry den Satz verstehe ich nicht) This people have to work and because that they are exploited. Although they work very much and much produce paid very little and this people can do nothing against. They are working very hard, are low paid, but the worst thing is that they can`t do anything against it.
That the car transports many t-shirts shows that there is much produced specifically for the other. The building is connected to the car and which is also a sign that these people have to work for others in exporting countries.

In my personal opinion I think (*doppelt gemoppelt*) the cartoon is scary because it shows the truth as how the people are being exploited. And also I agree with the author of the cartoon because it`s still a present present situation. For me it is very sad that people have to work so much in order to earn some money to hard for so little money. Above all, the environment also harms their health. (was?) I think these people could earn more because it is very much transported. they deserve it. And also so that small children can go to school. Many children can not go to school because they have to bring money home. But if the parents have enough money, the children can go to school or as normal as any other children playing in the street (*das können sie*). These people should be able to also live a social need to work outside. Everyone should have the chance to live that life one want to live.

Guter Text!
Welche Klasse bist du?

Ich hoffe es hilft dir und schönes Restwochenende :)

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.05.2016 - 19:37

Zitat: It shows taht that this country provides a cheap labor because people under some circumstunces are poor in Bangladesh. (Sorry den Satz verstehe ich nicht)

Ich wollte hiermit sagen=" es sieht so aus, dass diese fabrik billige arbeitskräfte einstellt weil menschen unter anderem arm sind.

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Antwort von Helena42 | 01.05.2016 - 20:25
Gerne doch.

Ach so, ja dann müsste es heißen:
It shows that this factory employs cheap workers, because the factory isn`t able to afford expensive ones.
Ich hoffe ich hab es jetzt richtig verstanden haha

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.05.2016 - 21:10
Ja danke Und hier wollte ich sagen= Zitat=
"Above all, the environment also harms their health."

Vor allem sie machen wegen sehr schlechtes Umfeld, also wegen der Rauch ihre Gesundheit schädlich.

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Antwort von matata | 01.05.2016 - 21:20
Hier kann man den Cartoon sehen
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Antwort von Ratgeber | 02.05.2016 - 21:22
Das wäre mein Vorschlag der Bildbeschreibung, wobei ich mich bemüht habe Teile Deines Werkes zu übernehmen. Vieles von Dir sind Spekulationen, die meiner Meinung nach nicht in eine Bildbeschreibung hineingehören... Wichtig für mich ist: Titel des Bildes, Verfasser (kann man beides googeln), was stellt es dar, gibt es Bezugspunkte (Weltgeschehen und so), die Anlass für den Cartoon waren, und zum Schluss Deine Meinung zum Bild.

The cartoon “Unsafe factories in Bangladesh”, designed by Marian Kamensky, shows an old clothing factory on the right-hand side bearing the words “ T-Shirts Bangladesh”. The entry is possible only by means of a wooden ladder.

The building, which is standing on four cracked pillars (brüchig) in a cloudy wasteland, has become a ruin and threatens to collapse.

Looking through the windows you can see in each flat lots of people – mostly women – probably sawing T-shirts under bad working conditions.
To the left of the factory you can see an open truck with a giant mountain of T-shirts on its loading area. The truck is fixed with a rope to the building and emits a dark cloud of exhaust gases.

I think the cartoon is scary because it shows how unsafe the factories are, in which people are exploited. Every year you can hear or read news about collapsed factories in Bangladesh so the cartoonist shows a present danger. For me it is very sad that people have to work so much in order to earn some money to survive. Above all, the environment also harms their health.

I think these people could earn more because their payment is only a small percentage of the sales price in the countries where they are sold..

Many children cannot go to school because they have to bring money home (das kannst Du aber aus dem Bild nicht erkennen, dort scheinen nur Frauen zu sitzen).

If the parents had enough money, their children could go to school.

Everyone should have the opportunity to live to live a life of dignity without hunger and ruthless exploitation (rücksichtslose Ausbeutung)

Hier ist der Cartoon noch einmal in großer Auflösung:

Der Cartoonist heißt Marian Kamensky und hier geht`s zu seiner Homepage

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.05.2016 - 22:04
Ich danke euch allen😊

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