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Referat Honolulu - Text kontrollieren

Frage: Referat Honolulu - Text kontrollieren
(5 Antworten)

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Guten Abend zusammen, wir sollen in der Schule ein kurzes Referat über eine Stadt halten. Ich habe Honolulu zugeteilt bekommen. Das Referat soll 2 Minuten gehen. Hätte jemand Lust mal drüber zu lesen und zu gucken ob das so weit passt? Wäre sehr nett :)

Liebe Grüße

Honolulu is the state capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Hawaii and is on the island Oahu. Honolulu has about 400,000 inhabitants and extends 16 km along the coast and 6 km in the inland. Because the town lies away in the middle of the Pacific (3,700 km from California - and 6,400 km of Japan), it has developed the last century to an important point of the sea and air traffic. The tourism is the most important economic factor for Honolulu, because there is no agriculture and mineral resources. So Hawaii imports 98% of the sold products. The waikiki beach is one of the most popular places in the district Waikiki and belongs to the most famous beaches of the world. A short distance away are sights like the famous naval port Pearl Harbor, the Aloha tower and the daimond head.

I choose this topic beacause one of my Friends visited Honolulu for two weeks to go surfing there and tell me that honolulu is an amazing city. He show me some pictures and it looks awesom an thats the reason why, I also would like to visit Honolulu. The Waikiki beach, the nice people and the weather are the best reason, why you should visit Honolulu.
Frage von Miezi1999 | am 18.01.2016 - 17:08

Beiträge 239
Antwort von Zal | 18.01.2016 - 22:32
Honolulu is the state capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Hawaii and is situated/located on the island of Oahu. Honolulu has about 400,000 inhabitants and extends 16 km along the coast and 6 km in the inland. Since the town is located in the middle of the Pacific (3,700 km from California - and 6,400 km of Japan),
it has developed during the last century to an important point of the sea and air traffic. The tourism is the most important economic factor for Honolulu, because there is no agriculture and mineral resources. Thus (So ist nicht sehr bevorzugt am Satzanfang) Hawaii exports (nicht imports) 98% of the sold products. The Waikiki Beach (Eigenname) is one of the most popular places in the district of Waikiki and belongs to the most famous beaches of the world. A short distance away are sights like the famous naval port Pearl Harbor, the Aloha tower and the diamond head.

I chose this topic, because one of my friends visited Honolulu for two weeks to go surfing and told me that Honolulu is an amazing city. He showed me some pictures and it looks awesome and thats the reason why I also want to (passt besser) visit Honolulu. The Waikiki Beach, the friendly people and the weather are among the best reasons, why you should visit Honolulu

Wenn du über eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit sprichst, wie z.B dass dir dein Freund mal was darüber erzählt hat, dann musst du auch dementsprechend simple past benutzen und nicht bei present verbleiben. Ich habe auch nebenbei andere Sache beim überfliegen korrigiert.

Beiträge 4
Antwort von Miezi1999 | 18.01.2016 - 22:40
Ah okay, vielen Dank. Sonst würde es so aber gut klingen, oder?:)

Liebe grüße

Beiträge 239
Antwort von Zal | 18.01.2016 - 23:11
Ja, es ist ausreichend für ein Referat.

Beiträge 4
Antwort von Carmee | 19.01.2016 - 13:10
hört sich gut an:) welche klasse gehst du ?

Beiträge 4
Antwort von Miezi1999 | 19.01.2016 - 13:28
Gehe jetzt so gesehen in die 11. Klasse :) Bin von der Realschule jetzt aufs Gymi.

Liebe grüße ^-^

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