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Frage: Zeitformen Sätze umstellen.
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 8
Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich muss in der Schule, als Hausaufgabe diese beiden Sätze "Why Tom go alone to Brighton?" und "Tom and Laurie not to be my best friend" in ;the simple present, the simple past, the will future und in the going to future umstellen.
Ich wollte hier jemand darum bitten, dadrüber zugucken, um mich zuverbessern.

The simple present:

Why does Tom go alone to Brighton?.

Tom and Laurie don`t to be my best friend.

The simple past:

Why did Tom go alone to Brighton?.

Tom and Laurie didn`t to be my best friend.

The will-future:
Why will Tom go alone to Brighton?.

Tom and Laurie won`t to be my best friend.

The going to-future:

Why is John going to go alone to Brighton?.

Tom and Laurie aren`t going to be my best friend.

Es wäre echt mega lieb,wenn mir jemand meine fehler, verbessern könnte.

Liebe grüße

Frage von Lillyce | am 06.12.2015 - 15:28

Beiträge 46
Antwort von BhutBhut | 06.12.2015 - 16:19
The simple present:

Why does Tom go alone to Brighton?. (Besser klingt irgendwie Why goes Tom alone to Brighton)

Tom and Laurie aren´t my best friends.

The simple past:

Why did Tom go alone to Brighton?.

Tom and Laurie were not my best friends.

The will-future:
Why will Tom go alone to Brighton?.

Tom and Laurie won`t to be my best friends.

The going to-future:

Why is John going alone to Brighton?.

Tom and Laurie aren`t going to be my best friends.

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