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Bitte anschauen: I introduce myself

Frage: Bitte anschauen: I introduce myself
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 1
Englisch ist mein Fach was ich am wenigstens beherrsche. Würde mich freuen wenn ihr mal drüber guckt und Fehler/Gammatik überprüft. Dankeeeschöööön :)

Wir sollen uns Vorstellen..Name. Charakter. Interessen. Hobbys. Letzte Schule..

GoodMorning. First of all I`d like to introduce myself. My name is _______ and I am 18|eighteen years old. I was born in _____. Almost every day I `m happy and cheerful. I live in in a house with my parents and one dog. I attend the college and my favourite subjects at school are Information Technology and sports.   Now, I would like to tell you something about my hobbies and interests. Since 2003, I am interested in music . I played music for birthday and wedding parties. Every weekend I go with my friend to the turntables in different clubs. Unfortunately I have less time formy hobby because I often meet with my girlfriend and company-based training. When I have more time I want to complete my own songs. In my spare time, I love spending time with my friends, family and I jog almost every day. I´m a little bit shy and very impatient. I worked one year after school in a beverage market and saved my money for my love. My love is my car ! My BMW  with 180hp . I hope my girlfriend does not read this but I also love her.

Was fehlt noch ? :D
Frage von Skyline7D | am 17.09.2015 - 09:42

Beiträge 11
Antwort von jbsdurm | 20.09.2015 - 15:26
Also ich bin jetzt keiner vom e-hausaufgaben-Team, aber ich bin immer eine 1er oder 2er Kandidatin in Englisch und hoff auch, dass es jetzt nicht schon zu spät ist.

First of all I`d like to introduce myself.
My name is [...] and I`m 18 years old. I was born in [ORT] on the [DATUM]th of [MONAT]. I`m a happy person and I`m in a good mood almost every day. I live in [ORT] with my parents and our dog. I attend (attended falls du damit meinst auf welcher Schule du vorher warst und wenn du deine vorherige Schule meinst vielleicht noch den Namen der alten Schule) college and my favourite subjects (at school) are Information Technology and sports. Furthermore I`d like to tell you something about my hobbies and interests. I`ve been interested in music since 2003 and I played music at birthday parties and weddings for example. A friend and I are going to different clubs almost every weekend. Unfortunately I have less time for my hobby than before because I often meet up with my girlfriend and (hier fehlt noch etwas, aber ich weiß ja nicht ob das mit der Ausbildung dich oder deine Freundin betrifft) company-based training. But when i have more time I really want to complete/finish my own songs. In my spare time I also love spending time with my friends, family and I go jogging almost every day. When it comes to my personality/character I have to admit that I`m a little bit shy and very impatient. After school I worked in a  beverage market and saved the money I earned for my love which is my car, a BMW. I hope my girlfriend doesn`t read this but I also love her of course. 

Beiträge 40293
Antwort von matata | 20.09.2015 - 15:32
@ Ibsdurm: Danke für deine Hilfe im Englischforum.

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