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Composition Korrekturlesen

Frage: Composition Korrekturlesen
(3 Antworten)

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Hello mates,

kann einer Korrektur lesen? Muss das bis übermorgen fertig haben, aber es ist schon spät und ich krieg die Fehler nicht mehr wirklich mit.
Würde mich freuen wenn einer drüberschaut (kann auch tipps zur composition gebrauchen) :) (Formatierung hats ein wenig verhauen als ich hier reinkopiert hab, also Wörter die zusammen kleben brauchen nicht gemeldet zu werden)

Your clothes are soaked in their tears, their blood and you are at fault. You won`t find any trace of it, not if you`re not start looking closely. I want you to see the truth, hidden behind the mask sof the trademarks, behind the smiling faces of the corrupted creatures claiming to be human. I` m going to unfold it to you, only the truth, so mark my words and ask yourself, can you bear it? The thought of supporting such cruelty and monstrosity? Decide afterwards. First of all you might ask ,“...and what happens if children aren`t used anymore?”, while others state their disgusting opinions and conclusions in the samebreath, that without child labour economy is going to breakdown, that just more poverty will happen, that we could not satisfy our needs for goods and services. Their diseased view of the world spreads fear and acceptance at the same time and yet it is erroneous and nothing than a mere phoney information. Just because the world works with child labour there is no valid information that it wouldn`t work without it, neither would more poverty occur if people would rely on fair trade products, nor would we be not capable of satisfying our needs. It` s a matter of fact that there are alternatives which aren`t basedon exploiting humans, in this case children. People have to notice and make usage of chances which provide help securing fair trade for fair work. Secondly those children are our future and it` s our duty to shape and secure this future for the sake of us, for the sake of them. They won`t escape poverty and misery, not until we change. We are to blame todeny them access to a life, I can`t say with all my faith and commonsense that what they experience now,  is not life. With so many uneducated we lose so much potential. Imagine how many children could grow into qualified workers to support and create a better world, car engineers, nurses, scientists. They could be one day one of those people, they could then teach others to grow and support the same as we did, with your help. Lastly you have to listen what child labour truly is, because you`re wearing the evidence and being responsible for that matter . People call it a crime, but it`s far more then something like that, there is hardly anything comparable to it. Vague memories, their first ones, without any warmth and kindness, memories of a three year old child, a hostage, a prisoner. And nothing more but another tool tortured for profit under unspeakable circumstances, to fill the pockets of the greedy and gluttons who are craving for every coin, devouring life in the process and leaving nothing but a trail of death and suffering. Those damned for a life without hope aren`t working, they are doing something beyond that, to provide the companies and through them you, with the newest trendy clothes. This madness is not feasible not until you suffered the same as they did. A little body underdeveloped, weak, his bones easy to break and yet they have to do this inhuman things in which every aspect of life is in danger, carrying insane amounts of heavy things, breathing polluted dusty air for over 16 hours, without many breaks, food and water, struggling to stay alive while illness, their closest companion follows them through all that is left to call a life . Denial of childhood, denail of rights, denail of life. They are on our mercy and it is your choice that matters, either you standup and fight for someone unable to fight for himself, or you keep watching, keep buying, keep living like it dosen`t matter. Your choice.

Frage von Accelerator | am 25.02.2015 - 23:32

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Antwort von matata | 25.02.2015 - 23:38
Das ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Wortabstände verschwunden sind, das macht unser Editor...

Ich füge die Abstände wieder ein, dann kann man den Aufsatz besser lesen.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von matata | 25.02.2015 - 23:51
Wie hiess die Aufgabe, die du lösen musstest? Das muss man wissen für eine Korrektur....
Schreib sie bitte ins folgende Antwortfeld, denn zuoberst kannst du nichts mehr ändern.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 4
Antwort von Accelerator | 26.02.2015 - 07:54
Eine Composition über child labour (Kinderarbeit) schreiben.
Danke für deine Hilfe^^

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