ich bitte um Verbesserung (Englisch)
Frage: ich bitte um Verbesserung (Englisch)(5 Antworten)
also hier mein text auf englisch: Yesterday,on 24th June 2001, R. In the parliamenent he has told us some interesting facts. At first Cook said, British are a ethnic composition of different races and communities.we got to know that most people from british island are not indeginous.The pluaralism has a great influence on british lifestyle.also he said, incomers are welcome in britian because they contriubute to british growth and porsperity.Also pluralism plays a big role for cultural and economic vitality of british. Britians aren´t only open for influences,they adapt these,too. some festivals and dishes are typicial british today. He said,young people like to been educated in a multi-ethnic environment.we think R.Cook is right in all these facts. In Britian we can find an perfect ethnic composition and so indeginous and immigrants learn from each other. Our opinion is,that foreigner shouldn´t be driven out beacause they contribute to british lifestyle or economy.britian is more hospitable to immigrants than other european countries.it is easier to get a job there and the life is better too.but we think, it have to give conditions for immigrates. they should speak english or learn it. |
Frage von SHEEP_chen (ehem. Mitglied) | am 05.03.2011 - 13:22 |
Antwort von GAST | 05.03.2011 - 13:56 |
Zitat: Alle fett gedruckten Verben müssen von dir in das past tense umgewandelt werden und in allen unterstrichenen Wörtern befindet sich mindestens ein Rechtschreibfehler. Wenn du diese Korrekturen erst mal geleistet hat, und die Arbeit so übersichtlicher geworden ist, können wir gemeinsam die richtigen Grammatikfehler erarbeiten. old-but-alert |
Antwort von SHEEP_chen (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.03.2011 - 16:17 |
Zitat: Hmm gut okay, aber dazu muss ich sagen,dass die Rechtschreibfehler oft nur aufgetreten sind weil ich schnell geschrieben habe... und muss das wirklich in past geschrieben werden alles? Yesterday,on 24th June 2001, R. Cook, the British Secretary gave a speech about advantages of immigration in Britian. In the parliament he told us some interesting facts. At first Cook said, British are a ethnic composition of different races and communities.We got to know that most people from British Island were not indeginous.The pluralism had a great influence on British lifestyle.Also he said, incomers were welcome in Britian because they contributed to British growth and prosperity.Also pluralism played a big role for cultural and economic vitality of Britian. Britians weren´t only open for influences,they adapted these,too. some festivals and dishes are typicial British today. He said,young people liked to been educated in a multi-ethnic environment.We think R.Cook is right in all these facts. In British we can find a perfect ethnic composition and so indeginous and immigrants learn from each other. Our opinion is,that foreigner shouldn´t be driven out because they contribute to British lifestyle or economy.Britian is more hospitable to immigrants than other European Countries.It is easier to get a job there and the life is better too.But we think, it have to give conditions for immigrate. they should speak English or learn it. So..ich hab jetzt alles soweit verbessert aber war mir manchmal bei Britian/British unsicher... Da wo was unterstrichen ist bin ich mir nicht sicher obs stimmt oder was ich verbessern sollte;) (der Fehler war meist nur die Kleinschreibung ne?) Danke schonmal |
Antwort von helping_hand (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.03.2011 - 16:57 |
Yesterday,on 24th June 2001, R. Cook, the British Secretary gave a speech about the advantages of immigration in Britain. In the parliament he stated some interesting facts: At first Cook said, Brits are an ethnic composition of different races and communities. We gathered that most people from British Island were not indigenous. The pluralism had a great influence on the British lifestyle. He also said, immigrants were welcome in Britain as they`re contributing to the economical growth and prosperity. Though pluralism played a big role for cultural and economic vitality of Great Britain. The British people weren´t only open for influences, they adapted these,too. Some festivals and dishes are typical British our-days. He also mentioned that young people liked to be educated in a multi-ethnic environment. We think R.Cook is right in all of these facts. In Britain we can find a perfect ethnic composition, so immigrants learn from each other. Our opinion is, that foreigners shouldn´t be driven out because they contribute to British lifestyle and the economy. Britaan is more hospitable to immigrants than any other European Countries.It is easier to get employment there compared to some other countries and the living standards are high. However it is said, Britain should lay out firm immigration rules and practices e.g. every immigrant should prove that he or she has a basic understanding of the English language. As that is an absolute must to be able to live and work in Britain. |
Antwort von helping_hand (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.03.2011 - 17:12 |
SHEEP_chen, ist das dein GANZES REFERAT? Also, so weit hast du nur von immigration und Kultureller Diversion gesprochen, oder ist da mehr dazu? Irgendwie ist der Inhalt etwas lueckenhaft.. |
Antwort von GAST | 05.03.2011 - 17:15 |
Zitat: 1) Wieso "yesterday"? 2) kein bestimmter Artikel bei undefinierten abtrakten Nomen 3) hier bestimmter Artikel, weil "lifestyle" durch British definiert wird 4) "also" wird nachgestellt 5) kein Komma vor that 6) auf jeden Fall Komma vor ",too" 7) wörtl. deutsche Übersetzung; von mir umgestellt m4ehrere Stellen weisen inhaltl. Schwächen auf - a ber das ist ja schließlich dein "Stil". Du hast gemerkt: es heißt "BritAIn"; der Text muss in der Vergangenheit stehen, weil du die Rede des Herrn Cook referierst, also in indirekter Rede wiedergibst. Wenn der einleitende Hauptsatz "Cook said..." im past steht, müssen alle nachfolgenden Präsensformen ins past verschoben werden. weitere Stichwörter für das engl. kulturelle Erbe: "Stonehenge", Hadrian`s Wall"; James Watt, Henry VIII and the Anglican Church. old-but-alert |
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