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Summary in English: Bitte drüber gucken !

Frage: Summary in English: Bitte drüber gucken !
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 9
Hey kann Jemand mal rüber gucken? Summary:

In the article ,,single and happy" written by Caroline Davies and published in 2008 in the ,, the observer" is about the changing in the British households from the traditional marriage to freemales. 

Freemales are women who, lives without a man and enjoy their single life.
Firstly the author  says that the most women today act like freemales they are mostly to busy because of business and don`t want to lost time by hunting mans. Furthermore he mentions that ( zur zeit ) the most woman are not in a marriage and living alone. In addition he says that also the number of divorces ,influence the fact that most people between 25-44 are living single.
Also he find out reasons therefor: that there is no more pressure and you can decide by your own if and when you want children or get married. In the past the people act more traditional, they stayed together for a long time and don`t break up after a view month.  But he also mentions the consequences , maybe they regret what they have done, they notice that they want to have children but then it is too late.
At least he find out that those women don`t want to have such a responsibility and they just don`t fit in their perfect life. Nevertheless they hang out with a men, they watch movies together or dine with them.
Frage von Mariemichelle1234 | am 18.01.2015 - 21:00

Beiträge 2581
Antwort von Ratgeber | 18.01.2015 - 22:47
 den Artikel zu kennen, mal einige Korrekturen: 
The article ,,Single and happy: it`s the freemales" written by Caroline Davies and published in 2008 in the ,,The Observer" is about the changing in British households from the traditional marriage to freemales.
Freemales are women, who live without a man and enjoy their single life. Firstly the author says that most of the women today act like freemales; usually they are to busy because of business and don`t want to lose time by hunting men

Furthermore she (Caroline) mentions that (currently/presently/temporarily/atpresent) the majority is not married and lives alone. Additionally she says that also the number of divorces influences the fact that most people between 25-44 are living single. Also she finds out reasons therefor: there is no more pressure and you can decide by your own, if and when you want children or get married. 

In the past the people acted more traditionally, they stayed together for a long time and didn`t separate after a few months

But she also brings up the consequences: maybe they regret what they have done, they notice that they want to have children but then it is too late. 

At least Caroline Davies finds out that those women don`t want to have such a responsibility and they just don`t fit in their perfect life. Nevertheless they hang out with a man, they watch movies together or dine with them. (

Beiträge 9
Antwort von Mariemichelle1234 | 20.01.2015 - 17:57
Danke sehr nett!:)

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