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Simple Past und Past progressive

Frage: Simple Past und Past progressive
(5 Antworten)

Beiträge 172
Könntet ihr mir Tipps geben wie ich die 2 Zeitformen im Text finden kann ? Und schauen ob der Text richtig  von der Grammatik her ist?

Last week Ded Decker from Arizona survived often a snake bite him his leg.
That was having a party with somr friends and they were having a great time. He was just eating a steak when he heard a scream. Hilery that`s girlfriend was shouting. " Ded`s, there isdneak to the left!" Ded didn`t know what to do. He was and alive the but now exactly could he get the snake All friends were watching him when the snake came up to Ded`s left me. Ded was screaming has came and Hilery on could ll his leg. So he snake tail and pulled. The snake appeared and Hilery said, " We need an ambulance or a helicopter for Ded." some minutes later to paramedicd arrived and gave Ded emercency first aid. The next day there was a big headline in the looking newspaper. Ded was famous.

Edit: Überflüssigen Text gelöscht
Frage von Melone1995 | am 05.12.2014 - 23:32

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 06.12.2014 - 00:07
Gibt es einen deutschen Text?
Dein Text ist doppelt vorhanden. Hat das einen tieferen Sinn?
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 172
Antwort von Melone1995 | 06.12.2014 - 00:09
Opps Er soll natürlich nur einmal voranden sein

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 06.12.2014 - 00:12
Dann kann ich den doppelten Teil ja löschen...

Zu den Zeiten
Past progressive und simple past
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 06.12.2014 - 00:13
Last week Ded Decker from Arizona survived often a snake bite him his leg.  That was having a party with somr friends and they were having a great time. 
He was just eating a steak when he heard a scream. 
) Hilery that`sgirlfriend was shouting. " Ded`s, there isdneak (?) to the left!" 
Ded didn`t know what to do. He was and alive the but now exactly could he get the snake.
All friends were watching him when the snake came up to Ded`s left me. 
Ded was screaming has came and Hilery on couldll his leg. 
So he snake tail and pulled. The snake appeared and Hilery said, " We need an ambulance or a helicopter for Ded."
Some minutes later to paramedicd arrived and gave Ded emercency first aid. 
The next day there was a big headline in the looking newspaper. Ded was famous.

rot= simple past
grün= past progressive

korrigiert habe ich den Text nicht, denn er man kann nur erahnen, was er sagen soll. das habe ich schon am 30.11. gedacht, als Du den Beitrag zum ersten Mal gepostet hast ( müsste man mal die deutschen Gedanken kennen, um daraus eine vernünftige Übersetzung zu basteln...

Beiträge 172
Antwort von Melone1995 | 06.12.2014 - 00:15

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