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Simple Past oder Past Progressive

Frage: Simple Past oder Past Progressive
(2 Antworten)


könnt ihr mal bitte überprüfen, ob ich die Felder richtig ausgefüllt habe.

Vielen Dank schonmal.

Simple Past oder Past Progressive

It was nearly closing time at Elektra. Lee and Sarah got ready to go home.
Suddenly the door opened a man came into the shop. He wore a mask and he held something in his right hand. Was it a gun?

Sarah was standing with her back to the room so she didn’t see what was happening behind her. The man caught hold of her and held her tightly.

Le told the man that the till was empty. In fact, the manager was taking the money to the bank at that moment. But the thief didn’t believe him. No tricks, he said, or the gets hurt. Then Lee saw that the man was pointing a gun at Sarah’s head.

Lee looked at the gun. Then he was smiling. Come on, mate. That’s a toy gun.
I bought my kid brother one yesterday.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.02.2010 - 15:04

Antwort von GAST | 09.02.2010 - 16:12
Habe noch ein Wort vergessen zu makieren

Then Lee saw that the man was pointing a gun at Sarah’s head.

Antwort von GAST | 09.02.2010 - 21:15
It was nearly closing time at Elektra. Lee and Sarah
were getting (1)ready to go home.
Suddenly the door opened a man came into the shop. He worea mask and he held (2) something in his right hand. Was it a gun?

Sarah was standing with her back to the room so she didn’t see what was happening behind her. The man caught hold of her and held her tightly.

Lee told the man that the till was empty. In fact, the manager was taking the money to the bank at that moment. But the thief didn’t believe him. No tricks, he said, or she gets hurt. Then Lee saw that the man was pointing a gun at Sarah’s head.

Lee looked at the gun. Then he was smiling. "Come on, mate. That’s a toy gun.
I bought my kid brother one yesterday."

1)eindeutig past progressive: länger andauernder Vorgang
2)hier würde ich auch das past progressive vorziehen; man kann aber auch argumentieren, dass hier im "erzählenden past" eine kurze Situationsbeschreibung abgegeben wird.


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