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(2 Antworten)

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Ich werde meine Präsentation wie eine Reise durch Australien gestalten:

Here is my structure or the places we are going tovisit.
First of all we’ll go to Sydney where we’re going to visit Sydney OperaHouse and Sydney Tower. Then I’m going to show you Uluru or Ayers Rock, afterwardswe are going to go to Great Barrier Reef. After that we are going to visitKakadu-Nationalpark and at the end of our journey we will see a pink lake whichis called Lake Hillier. So let’s go. Now we are in New South Wales in Sydney exactly, thebiggest city in Australia but it isn’t the capital of Australia, it is Canberra.First we are going to the Opera House. It’s a symbol of Sydney and it was builtin the years 1959 until 1973. The construction period was 8 years longer thanactually planned. The Opera House is 67 metres high, 183 metres long and 120metres wide. It covers 1.8 hectares of land. The roof of the Opera House iscovered with ceramic tiles .It has got 5 theatres: Concert Hall, Joan Sutherland Theatre, Drama Theatre,Playhouse and Studio Theatre. Overall there are 5532 seats. Every year 2500shows take place with 4 million visitors. A Danish architect named Jørn Utzondesigned the Opera House. The original construction price was 7 million A$ butactually it cost 100 A$ so the price has been increased by the fourteen-fold . The reason forthese high costs was the complicated design of the roof, because the roof isround and so it was difficult to build. So Utzon was fired in 1966, so that thecost not increased even more. So Young Australian architects finished the interiors . In 2007 theOpera House became a UNESCO WorldHeritage Site . Our next stop is the Sydney Tower which is also asymbol of Sydney. It is 309 metres high and thus the highest point of Sydney. When you are onthe top you can see about 80 km far. It is used as an Observation and communication tower. It has17 floors and on the top there is a platform made of glass above the city, askywalk. The Tower cost 36 A$ and 1.3 visitors visit the Tower every year. Itis built on a shopping-centre and in the Tower there are lots of restaurants. Now we are going to visit Uluru or Ayers Rock which islocated in Northern Territory. The Aborigines call it Uluru but out ofAustralia it is called Ayers Rock. It is 3 km long, 2 km wide, 348 metres highand the scope is 9 km. It can appear in different colours which depend on theweather, the height of the sun and how many clouds are in the sky. The rock wascreated by the shift ofthe tectonic plates . It is allowed to climb on the rock but theAborigines don’t want that because it is a holy rock for them, because on thewalls are drawings which explain how the world began and it is possible thatsomeone dies there. 35 people died there in 2013. Now we are in Queensland on the northeast coast wherewe visit the Great Barrier Reef. It is the largest coral reef system in theworld. It is also a World Heritage Site like the Sydney Opera House. The GreatBarrier Reef is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. With its almost1000 islands, it is 2300 km long and has an area of 347800 km². It is such bigthat you can see the Reef from the outer space and that it is divided in 5different sections: Far Northern Section, Northern Section, Cairns Section,Central Section and Southern Section. It was also created by the shift of thetectonic plates like Ayers Rock. 2 Mio visitors come every year to see theGreat Barrier Reef, because under water there are many species of coral, fishand sponge and six of seven sea turtles species live there. Through diving andsnorkelling you have a very beautiful view. But in the reef there are also manyplant and animal species which are threatened of dying out . So in some areas diving is notallowed. The next place we are going to visit is theKakadu-Nationalpark, which is situated in Northern Territory. The area of theNationalpark is 20.000 km². That is the half of Switzerland.Kakadu-Nationalpark is a World Heritage Park. If you want to visit it, you willpay 25A$, then you are allowed to visit the park for 14 days. Every year200.000 visitors visit the park. In the park the average temperature is 35°Cand most time there is a high humidity. There is a large wildlife with 10.530animal species, which include birds, fish, mammal , reptiles and insect and 1700 plantspecies. The park is property of the Aborigines and 500 of them live there. Apart of the area in the park was rented to the Director of National Parks. 4rivers flow through the National Park: East Alligator River, West AlligatorRiver, Wildman River and South Alligator River. On the walls of some rocks youcan see lots of rock painting which were painted by Aborigines. There are alsosome beautiful waterfalls in the park. You can go fishing in the park but itisn’t allowed to hunt animals. The last visit of our journey is Lake Hillier. It is apink lake in Western Australia on Middle Island. It is 600 metres long andfilled with salt water. It was discovered in 1802 and is a natural wonder ofthe world. Because of conservation reasons it is not allowed to enter Middle Island so you can only see the lakeby plane. The reason for the colouring of the lake is not known yet. Butperhaps the colour comes from algae and bacteria. Although the water is pink, it is not anydanger for a human. Now we are at the end of our journey, I hope youenjoyed it and learned something about Australia. And last but not least myconclusion:

I think Australia is a very interesting country or rather continent with manyplaces to visit. In every single Territory or State there are lots of sights orplaces made by nature, looking very amazing. In Australia there is a largevariety of animals. For example in National Parks you can see a lot ofdifferent animal species and plant species. Australia has many faces, from highskyscrapers up to big rocks or beautiful coral reefs. Many tourists visit thiscountry every year just to see the spectacular nature. It is really worth tovisit Australia one day. I promise you, you won’t regret it. Here are my sources and my image sources. Thank you for your attention, any questions?
Frage von HuiiixD (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.05.2014 - 18:21

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 04.05.2014 - 09:00
Guten Morgen,

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Here is my structure or route with the places we are going to visit. First of all, we’ll go to Sydney where we’re going to visit Sydney Opera House and Sydney Tower. Then I’m going to show you Uluru or Ayers Rock, afterwards we are going to go to seeing the Great Barrier Reef. After that we are going to visit Kakadu-Nationalpark and at the end of our journey we will see a pink lake which is called Lake Hillier. So let’s go. Now we are in New South Wales in Sydney exactly, the biggest city in Australia but it isn’t the capital of Australia. That is Canberra. First we are going to the Opera House. It’s a symbol of Sydney and it was built in the years 1959 until 1973. The construction period was 8 years longer than actually planned. The Opera House is 67 metres high, 183 metres long and 120 metres wide. It covers 1.8 hectares of land. The roof of the Opera House is covered with ceramic tiles .It has got 5 theatres: Concert Hall, Joan Sutherland Theatre, Drama Theatre, Playhouse and Studio Theatre. Overall there are 5532 seats. Every year 2500 shows take place with 4 million visitors. A Danish architect named Jørn Utzon designed the Opera House. The original construction price was 7 million A$ but actually it cost 100 A$ so the price has been increased by the fourteen-fold . The reason forthese high costs was the complicated design of the roof, because the roof is round and so it was difficult to build. So Utzon was fired in 1966, so that the costs would not increased even more further. So Young Australian architects finished the interiors . In 2007 the Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site . Our next stop is the Sydney Tower which is also a symbol of Sydney. It is 309 metres high and thus the highest point of Sydney. When you are on the top you can see about 80 km far. It is used as an Observation and communication tower. It has17 floors and on the top there is a platform made of glass above the city, a skywalk. The Tower cost 36 A$ and 1.3 (nur 1.3 Personen? ;-)) visitors visit the Tower every year. It is built on a shopping-centre and in the Tower there are lots of restaurants. Now we are going to visit Uluru or Ayers Rock which is located in Northern Territory. The Aborigines call it Uluru but out of Australia it is called Ayers Rock. It is 3 km long, 2 km wide, 348 metres highand the scope is 9 km. It can appear in different colours which depend on the weather, the height of the sun and how many clouds are in the sky. The rock was created by the shift of the tectonic plates . It is allowed to climb on the rock but theAborigines don’t want that because it is a holy rock for them, because on the walls there are drawings which explain how the world began and it is possible that someone dies there. 35 people died there in 2013. Now we are in Queensland on the northeast coast where we visit the Great Barrier Reef. It is the largest coral reef system in the world. It is also a World Heritage Site like the Sydney Opera House. The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. With its almost 1000 islands, it is 2300 km long and has an area of 347800 km². It is such big that you can see the Reef from the outer space and that it is divided in 5 different sections: Far Northern Section, Northern Section, Cairns Section, Central Section and Southern Section. It was also created by the shift of the tectonic plates like Ayers Rock.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 04.05.2014 - 09:00
und Teil 2:

2 Mio visitors come every year to see the Great Barrier Reef, because under water there are many species of coral, fishand sponge and six of seven sea turtles species live there. Through diving and snorkelling you have a very beautiful view. But in the reef there are also many plants and animal species which are threatened of dying out . So in some areas diving is not allowed. The next place we are going to visit is the Kakadu-Nationalpark, which is situated in Northern Territory. The area of the Nationalpark is 20.000 km². That is the half of Switzerland. Kakadu-Nationalpark is a World Heritage Park. If you want to visit it, you willpay 25A$, then you are allowed to visit the park for 14 days. Every year 200.000 visitors visit the park. In the park the average temperature is 35°C and most time there is a high humidity. There is a large wildlife with 10.530 animal species, which include birds, fish, mammal , reptiles and insect and 1700 plant species. The park is property of the Aborigines and 500 of them live there. Apart of the area in the park was rented to the Director of National Parks. 4 rivers flow through the National Park: East Alligator River, West AlligatorRiver, Wildman River and South Alligator River. On the walls of some rocks youcan see lots of rock painting which were painted by Aborigines. There are alsosome beautiful waterfalls in the park. You can go fishing in the park but it isn’t allowed to hunt animals. The last visit of our journey is Lake Hillier. It is a pink lake in Western Australia on Middle Island. It is 600 metres long and filled with salt water. It was discovered in 1802 and is a natural wonder ofthe world. Because of conservation reasons it is not allowed to enter Middle Island so you can only see the lake by plane. The reason for the colouring of the lake is not known yet. But perhaps the colour comes from algae and bacteria. Although the water is pink, it is not any danger for a human. Now we are at the end of our journey, I hope you enjoyed it and learned something about Australia. And last but not least my conclusion:

I think Australia is a very interesting country or rather continent with many places to visit. In every single Territory or State there are lots of sights or places made by nature, looking very amazing. In Australia there is a large variety of animals. For example in National Parks you can see a lot of different animal species and plant species. Australia has many faces, from high skyscrapers up to big rocks or beautiful coral reefs. Many tourists visit this country every year just to see the spectacular nature. It is really worth to visit Australia one day. I promise you, you won’t regret it.
Here are my sources and my image sources. Thank you for your attention, any questions?
________________________ - Team

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