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Bitte Text verbessern

Frage: Bitte Text verbessern
(4 Antworten)

Beiträge 35
Könnt Ihr mir bitte beim verbessern des Textes helfen:

The Person on the picture is calm.
He is friendle, helpful Person. The Boy is organized and punctual. On his dreams is a girl who danse with him. He has qualifivcations in drink beer. He is a new graduate from Australia. He enjoy his live. On the most time on his live he spend his time on casinos and drink a beer. His skills are, he plays football, hockey, basketball and tennis. He works hard an the most time, but he was fired last week.

Daneke schon einmal im Vorraus
Frage von flagflag | am 30.01.2014 - 17:30

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.01.2014 - 19:25
The person in the picture is calm. He is a friendly,
helpful person. The boy is organized and punctual. In his dreams there is a girl who danses with him. He has qualifications in drinking beer. He is a new graduate from Australia. He enjoys his live. [---]Most of the time of his life he has spent in casinos drinking [---] beer. His skills are playing football, hockey, basketball and tennis. He works hard [---] most of the time, but he was fired last week.

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 30.01.2014 - 19:39
Korrektur der Korrektur:
The person in the picture is calm. He is a friendly, helpful person. The boy is organized and punctual. In his dreams there is a girl who dances with him. He has qualifications in drinking beer. He is a new graduate from Australia. He enjoys his live. [---]Most [----] time of his life he has spent in casinos drinking [---]beer. His skills are playing football, hockey, basketball and tennis. He works hard [---] most of the time, but he was fired last week.

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Antwort von Jane92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 31.01.2014 - 15:18
Korrektur der Korrektur:
The person in the picture is calm. He is a friendly, helpful person. The boy is organized and punctual. In his dreams there is a girl who dances with him. He has got qualifications in drinking beer. He is a new graduate from Australia. He enjoys his live. [---]Most [----] time of his life he has spent in casinos drinking [---]beer. His skills are playing football, hockey, basketball and tennis. He works hard [---] most of the time, but he got fired last week.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 31.01.2014 - 16:07
Korrektur der Korrektur der Korrektur der Korrektur:

He enjoys his life (1). [---]Most [----] time of his life he has spent in casinos drinking [---]beer. His skills are playing football, hockey, basketball and tennis. He works hard [---] most of the time, but he was (2) fired last week.

ad 1) da haben also drei hochqualifizierte Korrekturen diesen Fehler übersehen!

ad 2) es ist eine fürcherliche UNSITTE, die aus der amerik. Umgangssprache kommt, das Passiv im Präteritum mit "got" wiederzugeben an Stelle des grammatisch richtigen "was/were".

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