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Frage: 10 Fragen beantworten zum englisch text
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo ihr lieben,ich bin sehr schlecht wenn es darum geht fragen in englischen zu beantworten ,habe auch versucht sie zu bearbeiten aber meine englisch kenntnisse reichen nicht aus und sie richtig zu fomulieren fällt mir auch sehr schwer

Bitte helft mir wäre echt sehr sehr dankbar! :)

Viele liebe Grüße
Lena :)

Thousands of people went west to California in the gold rush of l849.
They could travel by train to Independence. But the railroad ended there, so then they had to go on by wagon. They usually traveled in wagon trains (big groups ofwagons).

The wagon train left Salt Lake City on the last part of the long journey to California, There were a hundred wagons with four hundred men, women and children, and their horses and oxen. The year was 1849. It was late in the year. There was already snow on the trail that wagon trains usually followed. So they had to travel on a trail for horses where wagons had never been before. It was not easy. Some of the pioneers were worried about what was in front of them. Then one day they met a group of men on horses. When the men told them about a short cut to California, twenty-seven wagons decided to try to find it. One of these wagons belonged to Louis Nusbaumer and his friends. Nusbaumer, twenty-nine years old, was an immigrant from the Black Forest in Germany. He had arrived in New York a year before, with bis young family. He had left them there after he had heard about the gold in California. His family planned to follow him later.

The group left the wagon train and went to the south. At first everything was fine. There was food and water for the animals, and the weather was good. But then it became much hotter and drier. The land changed. There was no grass now, only rock. Without food and water the oxen became weak. Some of the wagons fell behind. Soon there were only seven wagons together.
The weeks that followed were terrible. The heat became worse. The rock was so hot that the people couldn`t walk on it. They had to put leather around their shoes, and around the hooves of the animals. They were always thirsty, but they had nothing to drink. They almost died. But some friendly Indians found them and showed them a place where they could get water.


Not long before Christmas, seven long months after Nusbaumer had left New York, the wagons came to the top of a hill. In front of them the pioneers saw a huge valley. It was very long, with tall mountains on every side. And in the valley was a huge lake. Water at last! Excited and happy, they went down into the valley. But the lake was not there.The water was only a mirage.


Nusbaumer thought that things could not get worse. But on Christmas Day one of the two oxen that had pulled his wagon died. He and his friends had to leave the wagon and walk. The other ox carried their things. Slowly the small group of people crossed the desert in the valley. They were tired and weak. They often had no water. One day Nusbaumer and his friends killed their ox and drank its blood.

The pioneers could see no way out ofthe valley over the mountains in front of them. But if they stayed there, they would die. So on January 14th, 1850, two of the men left the others. They wanted to look for a trail and to come back in ten days. After twenty-three days the men had not come back. Nusbaumer did not want to wait and die in the valley. He joined the Ehrhardt family, who had decided to go on alone. It was their last chance. And they were lucky. They found a way through the mountains. Two weeks later, on February 22nd, they had left the valley behind them. When they got to the Mojave River in California, the worst part of their terrible journey was over.

This story is true. We know the facts from the diaries that Nusbaumer wrote. The valley later got the name Death Valley. The two men who had left the others there came back after 28 days. They had found a way out, too. So everybody was safe. In 1851 Nusbaumer`s family joined him in California. He didn`t find gold. He became a farmer.

About the story

Who was Louis Nusbaumer? Why did he want to go to California?

What was the problem with the trail that wagon trains usually followed?

Why did some of the wagons leave the wagon train?

How did the land change after the group had gone to the south?

Why did some of the wagons fall behind?

How did some friendly Indians help the pioneers?

How did the people feel when they first saw the valley? Why?

What happened to Nusbaumer`s two oxen?

Why did two of the men leave the others in the valley?

What did Nusbaumer do when the men did not come back?
Frage von Lenaa111 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.01.2014 - 09:57

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 20.01.2014 - 12:10
Deine Englischkenntnisse werden auch nicht besser, wenn du die Hausaufgaben nicht selbständig erledigst. Aufgaben sind ja dafür gedacht, dass man in Englisch übt.

Also machst du einen Entwurf für deine Lösungen und jemand wird sie dann korrigieren.
Fragen beantworten auf Englisch ist gar nicht so schwierig. Ein Beispiel

What happened to Nusbaumer`s two oxen?

Such im Text oben einen Teil, wo das Wort oxen drin vorkommt.

Dann findest du
But on Christmas Day one of the two oxen that had pulled his wagon died.

The other ox carried their things.

Das ist schon die Lösung auf die Frage:

On Christmas Day one of the two oxen that had pulled his wagon died and the other carried their things

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