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Können sie es bitte korrigieren? -Danke

Frage: Können sie es bitte korrigieren? -Danke
(3 Antworten)

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The boy is on a board and sit on a chair.
It is a cold day because he had to wear a pullover and boats. He is reading a message, who makes him thinkly. And thatwise he is thinking a long. In my opinion he had become this mail from her girlfriend and she is writing that she want to fly to onother land. The biy do not know what he to do. He want to go with her girlfriend but he can not do it. He has school and not enough money for to fly in another land. He think to get money from his bestfriend but what will with his scholl here. He can not speak another speach too and now he can not what he write to his girl friend (zurück). His parents are not there too because they have died and so no option for her. He loves his girlfriend and wants so many to fly with her.
Frage von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | am 15.12.2013 - 17:04

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 15.12.2013 - 17:58
Wie hiess die Aufgabe? Was muss man korrigieren?

- Grammatik
- Zeiten
- Inhalt
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2013 - 18:08
The boy is on a board and sit on a chair. It is a cold day because he had to wear a pullover and boats. He is reading a message, who makes him thinkly. And thatwise he is thinking a long. In my opinion he had become this mail from her girlfriend and she is writing that she want to fly to onother land. The biy do not know what he to do. He want to go with her girlfriend but he can not do it. He has school and not enough money for to fly in another land. He think to get money from his bestfriend but what will with his scholl here. He can not speak another speach too and now he can not what he write to his girl friend (zurück). His parents are not there too because they have died and so no option for her. He loves his girlfriend and wants so many to fly with her.

I`m sorry, I can`t help yoiu the text is "nicht korrigierbar".

Ich habe beim ersten Überfliegen so locker 30 Fehler gezählt; und ... ich habe keine Lust, mich jetzt 10 Minuten hinzusetzen und alles neu zu schreiben.

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Antwort von sila (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2013 - 18:58
Write about the following aspects:
-the boy`s situation,
-the letter
-his thoughts and feelings,
-what will happen.

Use your imagination

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