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Marokko: Referat bitte korrigieren und verbessern!

Frage: Marokko: Referat bitte korrigieren und verbessern!
(2 Antworten)

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I want to give you a short presentation about Marocco :
The capital city is RabazThe country Marokko different about other countries of by her scenery=landschaft southafrica.
The situation of the country with his connection with Europe is astonishing=erstaunlivh, however, also, because the street from Gibraltar separates Morocco and Spain, with only 14 kilometres of distance, of each other.
history :
Already in the year 2,000 B.C. Morocco was settled by Berbers. Then arabien came to Morocco . The rule was interrupted because of the 44-year-old war of the Spaniards and the French. After the Kolonisierung which took place from 1912 to 1956 the state after bitter fights won itself his independence and could develop after heavy crises his culture and receive
Population :
Population of Morocco lives on a surface=Fläche on approx=ca. 446,000 square kilometres. With a total of 33 million inhabitants on an average=durchschnittlich about 66 inhabitants on the 1 square kilometre live. Most Moroccans live in Casablanca
Language :
In Morocco Arabic is spoken in the whole country as an official language. However, there are also the different Berber LanguagesTamazight, Tarifit, Tachelhit, Senhaja de Srair, Ghomara and the rare Judeo-Berberisch. They all differ, actually, only in her dialects. But also the French language is used
Religion :
In Morocco there are three world religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Islam dominates in Morocco, because about 99 percent of the population belongs to him and 91 percent belongs to the Sunniten. There are 70,000 Katoholiken and approx. 9,000 Jews
Customs and tradition :
The traditions which exist in Morocco were stamped very much by thebarbaric Arabian religions. A particularly narrow connection exists here in the religions and the traditional traditions which apply outside Morocco. To him, since centuries delivered traditions of Morocco, belong also the Berber`s broad folklore and the belly dances
clothes :
the Moroccans carry mainly for her religion suitable clothes.
family structures :
The families in Morocco are mostly Great families because of the lack of money aunts, uncles and grandparents mostly live everybody in a house
Food and Drink :
The Moroccan courts are marked size-partly and in Arabic and are prepared with the typical spices from the East. On account of the maghrebenisch origin of the courts, one finds most typical courts of Morocco also in Algeria and Tunisia.
special events:
The bazaars in Morocco are also called souls and are mostly in the form of markets who are divided into big streets. Typically for a bazaar it is that the shops and statues stand like in a chain side by side and mostly sell the same goods like shoes, things, spices and materials.
The topical king of Morocco is Mohammed. He is the son of the late Hassan II. In contrast to his father he follows a milder politics.

Frage von annahofer (ehem. Mitglied) | am 05.11.2013 - 20:31

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Antwort von lalalala7322 (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.11.2013 - 21:18
sieht meiner Meinung nach Gut aus würde dir empfehlen Strichpunkte aufzuschreiben ,
denn in dieser Form wird es schwieriger für dich sein alles im Überblick zu halten. Unschön wäre es wenn du alles einfach ablesen würdest
lg :)

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Antwort von annahofer (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.11.2013 - 21:22
Danke also du findest es gut das beruhigt mich !

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